Chapter 10: Davy Jones

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Killian's POV

I was at the castle again. Snow White and Charming had informed me that somehow Emma had gone missing and believe it or not, they trusted me to help.

"Ok, Hook. Any ideas?" David sharply asks as we sit around the table. They both looked shocked when I nod my head but they allow me to explain. "As I pirate I learn many things and people who have died from their heart being crushed go to Davy Jones Locker." I explain and Snow's eyes widen in shock and horror.

"David, this is terrible. My poor baby." She says in panic and David comforts her something I wish I could do to my Swan but she isn't here and its all my fault. My revenge was too important that it blinded my love for her.

I suddenly jump in my seat when I realise that maybe we can get Emma back again. "I can get to the Island," I explain as I try to think of the right words to explain, "We could even bring her back to life. The soul will travel to the Island where its like they're alive. They live without a heart for all of eternity until Davy Jones ends they're life for good." I tell them and the couple look at me in shock.

"We need to her back, you have to help us." Snow begs as she gets out of her seat and comes closer to me, wanting to hear every detail I have to say. "I offer my ships services. We can go to The Lost Sea together and get her back by me sharing my heart with her. It could work." I explain and Snow's dull eyes now seem to be brighter and full of hope.

"S-Splitting a heart. Is that possible?" She asks me and I shake my head, now full of hope and happiness. "It only works if that heart is their true loves." David adds and Snow and I both stare at him. I do believe I have true love with Emma. I've never felt so sure about anything in my entire life.

"How can we trust you, Hook." David also says and Snow looks at me and smiles, "David we have to try this and I trust him. I have a good judge of character , remember?" She says and David shakes his head.

"Say the women who thought The Evil Queen could change." He says and Snow smiles a bit before returning to the task at hand, "But alright. You have one chance to help us but that doesn't mean you can see Emma again after." He sharply says but even that makes me feel like I have a chance to save her and win her back.

"Thank you, you wont regret it." I gratefully say and after we finish talking I head back to the Jolly Roger to tell the crew they have to leave the ship. They seem to be in shock when I pay for their shelter in this kingdom but they don't hesitate to thank me and leave the ship. I was finally alone, even Smee left but I promised I would come back for him if I return, he was the only friend I ever really had.

Emma's POV- Theres hope now!!

My eyes open and adjust to a very strange Island. Moments of what just happened come flashing back to my eyes and I realise that I should be dead but I wasn't. I stand up and walk around, trying to look for clues as to where I am. Am I in hell? Was I really that much of a bad person?

"Ah, Emma Swan." A deep voice says from behind me. On guard, I quickly turn around to be faced with a middle aged looking man. He had piercing blue eyes which seemed to almost look evil and short, dark hair which was messily placed onto his head.

"Who are you?" I strongly say and the man chuckles, "Confidence, I like it." I glare at him but he just walks closer and lowers his head slightly before speaking again, "Davy Jones." He cockily says and I fold my arms.

"Where the hell am I?" I shout and look around again. "The Lost Sea, everybody who dies from having their heart crushed stays here until I let them rest in peace." He explains and I feel myself beginning to shake in fear. Even the name is enough to scare somebody.

"Have fun settling in." Is all he says before vanishing before my eyes. I sigh and try to look for sticks to light a fire but with no luck. I was loosing hope fast and all I could think about was my last words to Killian. I wonder what he's doing right now.

I sit on a log nearby and listen to the crickets around me. The island was pretty much greenery, like a forest. It could be worse I guess. My vision of a hell would be fire and demons so I guess I got lucky.

Getting lost in my train of thought, I keep thinking about this fire. How can I keep warm although technically I cannot die. The cold was getting worse and I needed something fast. My luck seemed to changed when I focused on trying to think of ways to start a fire and one magically appeared in front of me.  Almost like-

"Magic." I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn around a women around my age walks towards me and sits down, "Everyone on this Island has magic." She explains and I stare at my hands in utter shock, I made the fire.

"Do you think I could stick around with you? I have had no company for centuries." She asks and I happily smile, wanting to have the company. "Please do." I say and invite her to sit beside me. We sit in silence for a while, watching the fire burning before us until I decide to tell her my name.

"I'm Emma, by the way." I say and hold out my hand. She smiles at shakes it.


Authors Note:

Ok I feel quite evil right now.

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