Chapter 11: Surviving

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Emma's POV

I awoke the next day and it was a lot warmer although still dark, this Island never sees day light. I sit up and wipe away the sleep from my eyes before standing up to wake up Milah but when I walk over to her she is already awake and reading something.

"What the hell is that?" I ask her and sit beside her to take a look at the paper. She passes it to me and when I look I see its a map. "It appeared on my lap when I woke up." She explains and looks at me dead in the eyes but they're laced with fear. "What?" I question until I look behind me and see some sort of monster.

It was like a wolf but a lot bigger. I quickly focus on a weapon and one quickly appears in my hands. This magic is getting really helpful. The shining sword is already pointing to the wolf so I just kill it with one quick motion of my hands.

"Where'd you learn to fight like that?" She asks in shock, looking at the dead beast laying near us. I put my sword on the floor and Killian flashes in my mind again, "Someone I love taught me." I simply say and she nods before sitting down on the log nearby. The motions me to join her.

"So, beings we're going to be here for a long time I think we should know each other more." She says and begins talking.

"I was killed by The Dark One because he once was my husband until I ran away from him with my love until he found me again and well, crushed my heart. My son, baelfire is somewhere out there and I could never watch him grow up." She explains and I look at her in sorrow. She died from the same man who killed me.

"He killed me to, Rumplestiltskin." I tell her and continue talking.

"I'm a Princess, daughter of Queen Snow White and King David. I was kidnapped by some pirates near my kingdom and well, I fell in love with one of them. I died saving the man I love." I tell her and feel a single tear trickle down my face we both stare at the map.

Snow's POV

We have been sailing on The Jolly Roger for three days now. We only have two more days until we are at The Lost Sea which means we're closer to bringing back Emma. Killian and I have been talking about different things and from what I can tell, he really does love Emma and I hope David will give him a chance.

"Not long now, your highness." Killian says from behind me and passes me a bow and some arrows, "You'll need them for where we're heading." He says and smiles before heading off again.

David was in the spare cabin planning so I decided to go and help him but when I enter I see him sitting on a bed with tears on his face.

"David?" I question and sit beside him until he finally speaks, "This was Emma's room." He says and when I look up you can easily tell it was hers.

I walked around a bit and opened the wardrobe to see her ball gown which she was wearing when she was taken and loads of other more comfy dresses or suits which she would have worn during her time on this ship.

I feel a tear slip down my cheek as David walks up behind me and holds my hand, "She was spoilt, right?" I say and laugh slightly. He nods his head and passes me her tiara which I have her years ago for her 18th birthday.

"But he still took her from us." He snaps and I shake my head, "He loves her David, I can tell." I say softly and lean in, kissing his lips lightly before walking out back onto the deck where Killian was steering the ship. His eyes focused on the ocean but you could tell his thoughts were somewhere else, probably on Emma.

Do I think he really loves her? Yes I do. I know he's a pirate and she's a princess but I was still a princess when I met David but I was on the run, being a bandit. It doesn't matter what or where we come from, love is something nobody can control. If Emma loves him then I am okay with their whole romance, even if he was her kidnapper. I just hope David comes round for the sake of his daughter.


Sorry for the short chapter, updating soon. Thanks for all the comments, votes and reads. I love reading the comments and seeing how you feel about the story

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