Chapter 1

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(Dean in pic) Just saying you defeated another alpha leviathan and your in purgatory where you meet Benny and dean and castiel but it's a little story it's put in first person view.

"Where is an exit!" I screamed at the monster chained to the tree. "You won't get it from me cause I DONT KNOW!" The monster screeched afraid. He doesent know! Then who does! I thought as I sliced his throat with a disappointed face. His scream probably attracted thousands of new monsters. "HEY! You ugly beast!" A male voice screamed at me from behind.

I spun around with a confused look and took out my blade. The guy was short and looked pretty cute and he had another vampy looking guy with muscles and a male man cap. "Um excuse me but I have a name and I'm not fighting you because your obviously human like me but your friend there..." I said eyeing him. "Yea I'm a vampire whatcha gonna do!" The vampire yelled. "I'm dean this is Benny the...vampire." Dean sighed. "Y/n." I kinda trusted them. "Well we are headin to the exit and you can come cause we can test if your human if you can leave." Dean said obviously not trusting me. I looked annoyed but deep inside I didn't blame him. "Well then let's go I got nothin to worry about cause I'm human." I said and we began walking
Then it hit me. He is human. He is in purgatory. Is he a hunter too? "Dean?" I said looking at him. "Yes?" "Are you a  hunter?" He looked surprised at my knowledge. "Yes." "Wow I thought lucifer and Lilith wiped most of my kind out." I was telling complete truth. "Well we have to stop at a pond to find my ... Friend castiel."  "That name sounds—" I was cut off by Benny and dean saying "Angel" at once.

I was laughing at that point and dean and Benny joined in. Then something struck the ground. "Leviathans." Me and dean muttered. "I don't think you are going anywhere." The leviathan said smiling evilly. "Hey dean?" I said. "Yea?" "Where do monsters go when you kill them here?" "I don't know lets find out." Benny came behind the leviathan and sliced him. "Run." A voice said. "Castiel!" Dean yelled at an approaching man in a tuxedo but covered it with a tan trench coat. He had beutiful blue eyes and stunning facial features and messy hair. But he wasn't looking top shape. His trench coat was ripped and ragged. His tux was ripped. And he needed to shave his face plus the dirt all over him. "So your the Angel they were talking about." I said letting out a hand for him to shake.

"I don't understand why is your hand out?" Castiel looked down at it. I chuckled as I put his hand on mine and shook it. I released his hand and he looked up at me with his cute confused look. Wow. I said in my head taking in his beauty. "I'm not pretty I'm am castiel." He must have read my mind...dang it. Castiel then looked sad. "I'm sorry was I not supposed to read your thoughts." I smiled and shook my head. "Ok...I see the portal but leviathans are coming and we can't afford the love time right now! Not ever!" Dean got angry with a hint of jealousy. I smiled and Benny bumped his shoulder. We ran to the portal and five leviathans popped up in front of us. We began slicing heads but more came and one took me. No one noticed me helplessly being taken. I tried to flip him off me but another one came to hold me.

"Help!" I screamed as they were close to killing me. Dean ran towards me followed by castiel.  They sliced them off me and one tackled me and I fell on dean. Dean smiled and castiel sliced the leviathan and immediately lifting me off of dean with a angry look at dean and a smile at me. Then dean put his blood on Benny and said gibberish words. Benny's soul went in deans arm and we started running to the portal. Dean ran in the portal without looking back. I stepped in and turned to the fallen angel. "Castiel!" I yelled and grabbed his hands. Castiel shook his head. "Dean left me I'm obviously not worth it. Go" castiel frowned. "No!" I screamed and tugged at his hand and trench coat. I pulled him through the portal and left me in purgatory but castiel grabbed my big coat and pulled me through in his arms.

We landed safely on the other side still in each other's arms and dean shoved us apart and kissed me. I was completely confused but castiel pulled me and dean away from each other. I chuckled. Two jealous men castiel gave me a sincere smile to confirm he liked me. I laughed aloud at that and dean was completely confused. He let Benny out and he stood confused to. "Well we have to find Sammy now." Dean said and castiel nodded. "Alright brother I'll be off now I'll see ya later." Benny walked off. I smiled. "Let's go!" But castiel had a better idea he disappeared then reappeared saying "found him." Then he stuck two fingers on dean and my head and we appeared in a hotel with a tall guy with shaggy hair was watching tv. "Sammy?" Dean said. Sam got up and was shocked as he hugged his brother. "I'm gonna go get cleaned up ." Castiel went to the bathroom. "Who's this." Sam eyed me smiling. "Y/n" I said smiling back. Dean put me in his arms. Sam frowned. "Your? Please! Y/n don't trust him he has been with so many—" "I'm not dating dean!" I said moving away. Castiel came out smiling with shaved skin and clean clothes but his messy hair didn't change. I'm single! I mentally yelled to myself. Castiel chuckled then frowned knowing i meant over all single.

"Well then let's get some sleep I will sleep on the recliner." Sam volunteered. "I don't sleep." Castiel then vanished. I got the first bed and dean got the second.

Castiel x dean x reader  x SamWhere stories live. Discover now