Chapter 5

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Sup everyone I do not know what's gonna happen I'm going to make it up as I go XD and if it sucks I'm not posting it.
Btw it's morning after breakfast.

      "NO!" Yelled dean as I was going to my room to get dressed. "GABRIEL DIDNT SEEM TO CARE!" Yelled Sam back. I stood with my ear to the door listening in. "YOU KNOW I LIKE HER AND I WAS THE FIRST TO EVEN MEET HER!" Dean is talking about me and Sam... "Well do whatever you want." Sam sounded as if he walked away. "Let her pick." Said a new voice which belonged to Castiel. "She should be done now."

I walked out smiling as if I heard nothing, knowing Castiel could not read my mind anymore. Dean smiled at me but it slightly faded. I made a fake confused face. "Y/n..." Sam came back with a small apologetic smile. I smiled at him. "Yes sammy?" Castiel looked sad and sams smiled left when I called him that as if he felt sorry for me. "We need you to pick between Castiel dean and I." I knew it was coming but I faked a small I hate this frown.

"How about I go out with all of you and pick who I like the most." I had rehearsed the words since last time they secretly fought about this. Castiel smiled a little. Dean obviously didn't like the idea. "Ok." Sam said smiling. I wrapped my arms around Sams neck and whispered "your first." and he smashed his lips on mine. Castiel and dean had gotten mad storming to there rooms. we giggled continuing.

                                                                         [[{{((gabriels PoV))}}]]
   YES! i mentally yelled watching them invisibly. I checked on dean and he was completely angry smashing everything and I walked to castiels room where he was balled up with tears in his eyes. I laughed but ran off after I saw everyone how I wanted them. but I don't like y/ns big plan. it's stupid she can't date them all! I need to think of another plan to stop those two idiotic bone heads from getting in between my love birds!

(sorry it's sucky and small but it's like 4 am and my fwend wanna pway. lol kid words that mean nothing of kid things. well THANKS YOU ALL FOR READING THIS CHAPTER AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU CONS IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

Castiel x dean x reader  x SamWhere stories live. Discover now