chapter 13 the end

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your PoV

"morning y/n." Sam said as I walked in the kitchen sleepily looking around. "w-well you know yesterday we said—" "I KNOW!" I cut Sam off. "I will pick." I was nervous but I didn't show it. what was I gonna do. I wanted to have them all but I can't. Sam looked worried as if I wasn't ready yet annoyed dean looked ready to be turned down or picked but most likely picked and Castiel looked just the same as if he didn't care. but I knew who I was gonna pick. "I am ready guys." I said smiling staring at each one of them. "ok lay it on us." dean said perking up. 

I took a deep breath and smiled sweetly making sure the other two did not get jealous. they all smiled back at me.

"I pick...

I found a replica of the impala on Google XD

Castiel x dean x reader  x SamWhere stories live. Discover now