chapter 12

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sorry I'm getting slack on my writing. school and stuff ya know. well I passed meh mid terms YESH! I'm expected to me more active by my cousin. -,- well anyway I hate the word enjoy so have fun reading it. oh and I gots actors so we gonna make a YouTube video of this fan fic after March. we still need a Sam and a y/n.
deans PoV
I looked around as doctors rushed in and people rushed us out and the room clustered with us at the window. we the. all heard a scream. I sprinted in there with Sam ramming the door and castiel moving everyone. as soon as I got to y/n I saw her with her eyes open looking at is she did not know where she was or who we were.

"where am I?" y/n asked looking around. "your in the hospital because metatron slashed you in the thigh." y/n looked down at her thigh and it somehow healed at her touch. y/n snatched the IVs out she arm and zapped her clothing on, walking to the impala with us following. "y/n you sure your ok?" Sam asked grabbing her shoulder when we got to the impala. y/n nudged away getting in.

we drove in the middle of no where when Castiel suddenly appeared in front of the car and I slammed on breaks. "damn it cas!" I yelled getting out with Sam. cas ignored us snatching y/n out by her hair. "get out of her!" he yelled in her face. "woa!" I said going over to there.

"what's going on?" Sam and I walked over there. "this isn't y/n." Castiel said eyeing her deathly. "hello everyone I'm Issa." the girl in y/n said. "I'm y/ns guardian angel and I'm healing her right now." Issa said. "your lieing!" Castiel yelled pulling his blade out and I held h back. "your not hurting y/n!" I yelled at him. Castiel slowly put his blade away.

Issa smirked. "you caught me." she said putting her hands up. "I'm using her because I do not have a vessel." I got angrier. "then find one!" I screamed.

your PoV

"dean?" I called out. "in here with Sam!" dean called from the kitchen as I went in the kitchen watching them play cards. "where's Castiel?" dean shrugged. I swear this felt like heaven like I'm missing something. but I didn't know quite yet.

sams PoV

issa smiled. "when y/n wants me out I'll get out." she said. "but for now why not tell you all her secrets!" Issa cheered. I wanted to shake my head but it kinda bugged me that she had secrets and I kinda wanted to know.

we got into the impala and drove as she told us about her childhood.
then she talked about us.

'she can't pick between you three!' the words rung in my head as I lie down on the hard bed at our hotel. I just want her back to normal. no angel possession no injuries just y/n.

~morning time skip brought to you by annoying friend issues~

your PoV

"I hate pie!" dean yelled pushing into sams face as we all laughed at his fit. but then I stopped. that's odd I know for a fact he loves pie. I must be kidnapped by a jenie who is slowly taking my blood with my dream place. I had to kills myself.

I grabbed scissors and stabbed them into me realizeing I wasn't waking but everything vanished. then the one thought came to me. Angel. I screamed as loud as I could manage, "get out! get out! get out!" and then rumbling started and I took control seeing light disappear away. dean Sam and castiel ran into my room. "Issa shut up!" dean yelled.

"dean it's y/n." I said smiling jumping up and hugging them all. "as soon as I heard you say I hate pie in my dream world I knew jenie or Angel." I explained resolving their confused faces. dean laughed hugging me again. "y/n..?" Sam asked a little shy. "yes."
"umm.. well you know everything's going normal again and we need you to... well pick." dean nodded and castiel stood frozen. "well I.... tommorow." I pushed it off freezing not knowing what to do at all. what if I pick one and regret it or they stop being my friend.

I kinda wished bad things were still happening because this is hell.

I don't want to pick between my friends it's just to hard! especially because I know them all very well. Sams sweet and sincere while castiels a fearless fighting leader and deans a brutal hardcore flirt. I actually like all of those traits which makes it harder. realllyy harder.

Castiel x dean x reader  x SamWhere stories live. Discover now