Chapter 5

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The nurse takes one look at my tear stained cheeks and immediately rushes over to my side. The whole school thinks she's too protective and should go work at the elementary school. I, for one, appreciate that she hugs me. She asks no questions, even after she takes my temperature only to find me perfectly healthy. She only lets out a big sigh and says, "I'm sorry sweetie. I ain't aware a' what done happened, but I'm just sorry."

I glance at her, my vision clouded by the tears.

She returns my gaze and sighs, "I know how them high schoolers can be." She offers me a smile. "You stay in here, long as you want, sugar cube, but don't tell nobody."

She leans in and and whispers, "I'm supposed to send you back to class if you ain't sick."

I find my lips curling into a smile. Her accent and friendly demeanor could make anyone forget their troubles, if only for a moment.

I end up skipping all fifth period. Once the bell rings I jump up and smile at the nurse. Again, with no questions, she wraps her chestnut arms around my body.

Gosh, I know it's weird but I love her hugs.

"Now ya'll have a good day, ya hear?" She says, releasing me. I nod. But I know the moment I step out of her office, all the emotions will come flooding back.

Sighing, I check my phone real quick. A text from Megan informs me that I'll be walking home; the rain stopped.

Good, I think.

Then if I start crying on he way back, I won't have to explain.


I go to sixth through eighth period and nothing much happens. The final bell rings and I slouch out of class. I don't want to go to my locker. Natalie and Katrina have ones right next to mine. Of course.

Sure enough, I see the two of them talking anxiously to each other. When they see me approaching Natalie tenses up while Katrina flashes me a smile, trying to act like nothing happened. I, meanwhile, try to pretend they're invisible, and start to open my locker. Of course, Natalie tries to talk.

"Missed you in fifth period. What happened?"

"You know perfectly well what happened," I snap. The moment the words are out, I regret them. I'm just going to start another fight.

But Natalie just bites her lip and looks at Katrina. I see Katrina in my peripheral vision. She nods and gestures towards me as if to say, "Go on."

Natalie looks back at me. "Look," she pleads. "I'm REALLY sorry. I was stupid. Here I am, calling myself a Christian and then yelling at you and judging you. It was totally hypocritical."

I finish packing my bag, slam my locker, and turn to face her. "Why? Because yelling and judging is something atheists do?" I know I should bite my tongue but I can't.

Natalie groans. "No Bridget, no. Ugh look I'm just sorry ok? I don't care what religion you are, it was wrong. Besides the whole thing with... La... Lac.... Well you know... It wasn't your fault." She grabs my shoulders and forces me to look her in the eye.

"Do you hear, Bridget? You've got to stop blaming yourself," she begs me.

I turn my face away and try to blink back the tears. Natalie lets go of me and sits back.

Katrina grabs my hand, then Natalie's. "What matters," she says, "Is we're all in this together." I smile at her.

Then Katrina and Natalie look at each  other nervously. Then they both glance my way.

"What's going on...?" I ask skeptically.

"Bridget," Natalie starts hesitantly. "The incident at lunch did make us think a little..."

I can't take much more of this. They're about to launch into a speech about how I should "look into" Christianity, I can feel it.

I shake my head and stand up. "I have to go," I mumble.

"Bridget, please!" Natalie calls. I can't take this. Why can't they just accept me as who I am?

As I storm down Q street towards home I almost forget about the girl. But her dancing catches my eyes I remember my mission. I run into the Chick-Fil-A that I always pass and buy her some soup. It's a chilly day.

I approach the town's mystery nervously. "Hello," I greet her. She abruptly stops swinging around her pole and smiles. "Hi," she responds shyly.

"I... Uh... I bought you some soup," I say, awkwardly holding it out to her. She grins like she just got a Ferrari.

"I loooovvvee this soup! Thank you!" She says, bowing and almost spilling her food in the process.

Her grin makes me laugh. It's adorable!

There's so much I want to ask her. So much I need to know. But I don't want to come off as creepy right away. So instead I look at her bare feet, blue from the cold. The coat I have on suddenly feels heavy. I take it off and give that to her as well.

"Here," I say. "It's freezing out." And before I know why, I'm taking off my "Ughs" and giving them to her as well.

She puts her hand over her mouth. "This is too much ma'am," she protests. "You'll freeze!"

I can't help but laugh at the irony of this statement. "I've got a nice warm bed waiting for me a couple blocks away," I reassure her.

I turn to leave but then look back at her.

"Promise me you'll keep those for yourself, at least for tonight," I practically demand. She smiles and nods. I turn to leave again but then I hear, "Wait!"

I turn around again. "Yeah?"

"I didn't get your name," she says.

"I'm Bridget," I smile. "That's a beautiful name," she sighs with a dreamy look in her eyes.

I giggle, the ask her what her name is.

"Genevieve," she replies.

"That's gorgeous!" I exclaim, hardly able to believe she complimented me on my name. It seemed so dull next to hers.

She smiles and bows again. "Thanks."

I nod and turn away to walk home.

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