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"For the love of the muffin man! It's raining!" Michelle grumbles. She turns to me, her bottom lip sticking out. "Megan and I were going to go on a bike ride."

"Ha ha!" I tease.

"It's raining?!?" Genevieve comes sprinting in and sets her hands on the window.

"Stacey, can I go outside?" she calls to Mom.

"It's raining dear!"

"Exactly!" Gen exclaims.

Mom walks into the room to join the three of us. Gen puts on her best puppy face for Mom which causes Michelle to snort. "You're weird," she informs Gen.

I smile and so does she. Yes, Michelle's teasing her. But really, that's a good thing; a sign that they're getting closer.

Mom throws her hands up in defeat. "Sure! Go for it," she laughs. Gen hops up and down before sprinting towards the door.

"Gen, put on some rain boots!" she calls. I laugh as Mom sighs and shakes her head, realizing she's too late. Genevieve has run out the door, barefoot. There's no caging that kid's wild spirit.

Liam and Lacy come down the stairs with questioning looks on heir faces.

"Wanna play in the rain guys?" I ask.

"YEAH!!!" they shout simultaneously, jumping up and down.

I grin at them and find them some rain coats and rain boots. I put on a coat of my own but decide to ditch the shoes. Smiling wide and push open the doors and watch as Liam and Lacy run towards Gen. When she hears them coming she stops, mid-twirl and greets them with one of her ever preset smiles. I race out into the rain with them, screaming as I'm instantly soaked in the downpour.

Genevieve throws back her head and laughs at how ridiculous I am. "What's the matter Bridge?" she teases, "Never been caught in a rainstorm before?"

I laugh and stick out my tongue at her teasingly. She's all too eager to return the favor. Then she smiles at me before looking down at Liam and Lacy. She grabs one of each of their hands and begins to run up and down the driveway. Her short sleeved summer dress is soaked and sticking to her skin. She holds out her tongue to catch some raindrops and has the little ones copying her soon enough.

I smile mischievously as an idea comes to mine. I rush up to the threesome and tap Genevieve on the shoulder. Running away from her I shout, "You're it!"

She whips her head around with a gasp, sending her hair all the way around her body before it settles on her back again.  Getting her own mischievous glint in her eye she drops the kids' hands and sprints in my direction. Lacy and Liam shriek, "Get her Genny! Get Bridge!"

"Thanks for the support guys!" I tease.

"You're all drenched!!!" someone shouts. I slow down just enough to realize that Megan and Michelle have come outside- but they're staying under the safety of the porch roof.

Pausing to sarcastically smirk at them gave Gen just enough time to catch up to me.

"You're it!!!"

"Ugh!" I gasp.

"Yeah!!!" Liam cheers.

"Don't celebrate just yet, little mister I'm comin for you!" I tease.

He looks at me wide-eyed for a moment before his little legs begin to carry him away from me. "HELP!!!" he shirks between fits of giggles.

Soon enough I catch up to him. I entangle him in my arms, lifting his little legs off the ground and spinning him around. His laughter pierces the air. Lacy comes up and tugs on my coat laughing and saying, "Let him go!!!"

I raise my eyebrows at her and flash her a smile before picking her up in one arm while still holding Liam in the other.

Gen runs up crying, "Not my babies!" She grabs Lacy out of my arms and sends me a look of mock horror as if I was about to kidnap her.

I laugh and readjust how I'm holding Liam. He wraps his wet little arms around my neck and I squeeze him back. Lacy and Gen are smiling and giving each other Eskimo kisses.

I sit in the driveway and let the rain fall around me, Liam still on my lap. Genevieve plops down next to me, still holding Lacy.

I can't believe how far we've come.

I've got my little sister back, and a new sister. Natalie mentioned that Mark has found such a sense of purpose just because of his visit to the hospital, all that ago. I even have a newfound faith and am working on a personal relationship with my Creator!

All because I wondered about a little girl on Q Street.

I don't know what the future holds. Lacy's health is still a concern, of course. But I've learned to cherish every single moment I have with her. I tell her I love her every single day to the point where she's said, "I know you do Bridge! I knoooowww!"

Something's different about me... I wouldn't say I've changed; all in all I'm still me.

I guess you could say, I've found the missing pieces of me. I've grown into more of the person I am meant to be.

All thanks to the barefoot girl.

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