Chapter 30

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I start breathing heavily and forget to speak.

"... Bridget? You ok?" Michelle asks from the other end of the line.

I nod, before remembering she can't see me do this, and then reply, "I'll be there. Same one as always?"

She lets out a long labored sigh and then says,


Genevieve looks as scared as I feel. I glance at her and utter the terrible words,

"Something's wrong... Lacy... I.. I gotta go."

Before I get too far I hear Genevieve behind me, begging me to wait.

"Gen, I've got to go! Lacy..." I beg, tears already pushing their way over my eyelids.

"I know, I just wanted to come with you. If she's... Umm..."

She swallows hard.

"If she's not... Doing well... I want to be there for her."

She looks down at Austin.

"And he wants to see her also."

I nod and don't even bother to ask how on earth Austin knows Lacy. I start sprinting again and Genevieve actually keeps up really well, carrying Austin in her arms.

We run and run and all I can think is the worst. That I'm too late to even say goodbye.

The three of us burst into the hospital lobby, our faces wet with tears. Even Austin's I notice.

My whole family is sitting in the waiting area and all their heads turn at once as we enter. Megan comes up to me and wraps me in a hug, sobbing on my shoulder.

"What is it?" I ask, frantic.

"What happened?"

I'm answered by silence and it's tortuous.

"Where's Lacy???" I ask, practically screaming by now.

Megan lets me go and Michelle walks over slowly.

"Bridge," she starts, choking on her words.

I feel like I can't get enough air. If you can get Michelle to cry, things aren't good.

"At home she started coughing up blood. She's in a coma and... They're not sure she'll last the night."

That's when she breaks down. I stare in utter shock.

No. No, that's not possible. That's NOT TRUE! I won't believe it's true! No! Someone who was so full of life not more than twenty-four hours ago can't be on her death bed!

I want to scream, kick the wall, curse the whole world! The only sound I can get through my lips is...


The tears come in a flood and I began to shake violently. I sit down slowly and shakily.

Genevieve sits down next to me and sets Austin beside her while she wraps her arms around me.

"Can I at least, sit with her for a bit?" I whisper.

Ben nods and mumbles something about the doctors letting us come see her after they've done "all they possibly can."

I barely let myself hope that means there's a chance she'll be ok. But I feel like I'm only in denial.

I never thought I'd have to be strong enough to lose the same person twice.

And I'm not sure I am strong enough.

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