When Fate Intervenes [A Gerard Way Fan Fiction]

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Oh my God, guys. It's been a REALLY long time since I've placed something up here. I miss you all <3

This fic is pretty different compared to TLG because, for one, I have abandoned the walls of high school or, college and, actually, I'm pretty nervous about posting this one. In here, I introduce to you: Father Way, a 26 year old priest living in a Church in Missouri and, yeah, I make a pretty bad OOC Gerard. Sorry :(

I won't deny that the first few chapters are pretty boring (like every other story posted out there) but, I swear, it won't be that boring as we go on reading. 

Here's hoping you'll stick with me anyway!!

Prologue: “Informal Confessions”

Gerard kept his head bowed down, avoiding the almost blinding light from the candles on the altar. It had been quite a few minutes after the last Eucharistic celebration for the day and, yet, he couldn’t shake off the feeling of being guilty.

His hands were shaking as he clutched the Rosary tight, muttering words that he should have began uttering a few nights ago.

“Our Father, who art in heaven . . .”

The wind kept blowing from the open windows on the Church walls, sending some flames dancing on the candles; Gerard closed his eyes and, shook the thought away.

“Holy be Your name. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done . . . in me . . . as it is up above.”

Lifting his head up to the painting of the angels on the Church ceiling, Gerard continued to ask for His help. “Father, I have greatly sinned against You . . . and, this – this woman, this . . . distraction . . . is confusing me and, I can’t . . .”

Tears had pooled in his hazel eyes and, he blinked several times, just to be cautious as he heard yet another pair of footsteps echo behind him.

“I think I might not be strong enough to avoid this. Lord, oh God, please give me the courage to put a stop to this madness that I’ve been immersing myself in,” Gerard breathed out quietly, the Rosary shaking a little bit more, “Give me the strength to turn this woman down . . . and, I pray that, if I do success in turning her down, that she may find someone else more capable . . . more . . . committed, should I say, to her – one that would give her all of his time, all of his love . . . one that would be her saviour as You are to me.”

His voice died just as the footsteps grew steadily louder behind him; Gerard turned around and, met the eyes of yet another priest, who was looking at him with gentle eyes.

“Father Hugh,” Gerard nodded once in acknowledgment as the older man looked down at him.

“Gerard . . . mass ended quite a while ago. Shouldn’t you be eating your supper?” the kind eyes sparkled, leaving Gerard feeling like he underwent a quick x-ray.

Gerard turned away from the other male and, focused on the altar, a million other things running in his brain. “Father, I just need to finish talking to Him,” Gerard finally said in one breath, Father Hugh nodding quietly and, saying in his gravelly voice:

“Well, Gerard, I do admire you for your loyalty to our Lord. If ever you want to talk to me, I am just a knock on a door away.”

And, once again, the footsteps came and eventually faded, leaving Gerard to face the Church altar alone.

Breathing steadily, he managed to whisper, “help her find someone who is capable of loving her as much as You love me . . . and, as much as I want to love her.

Give us this day our daily bread and, forgive me for my sins . . . forgive me for even thinking about leaving Your presence, Oh Lord . . . as we forgive those who sin against us.”

Gerard’s eyes were getting heavy, focusing on the small, beady eyes of the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary just a few meters ahead of him. His thoughts were scattered once again, his hands had stopped shaking as he realized that he was thinking about her again . . . and, just how much he wanted to –

“And . . . lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.”

Aaaand, there it is. The prologue. You guys wanna tell me what you think about it? *wiggles eyebrows*

Thank you so much for checking it out!



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