Chapter Three: Hidden in Plain Sight

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I'm so shit in keeping promises :( So I'm dedicating this chapter (and, by extension, the entire story) to vampiregirl0396 because I've done something that's unforgivable.

I had given her rights to write a sequel to TLG which I promised to check out two weeks ago but, I only managed to actually check it just last week to find that she may have deleted what she wrote down. I'm so sorry I'm such a forgetful little shit :( Sorrysorrysorry I'm so embarrased, oh my god. 

The embarrassment went to the extent of me, thinking of deleting my account.  Ijust felt so fucking bad, I'm sorry :(

So, anyway, last time I checked, this story had 20 reads and....that's fine :D

Here's chapter three :)

Chapter Three: Hidden in Plain Sight

- Catherine -

Other Gerard’s a priest. Oh, God. He’s a fucking priest.

That’s the first thing that popped in my head before my eyes snapped open at the sound of my door closing and, I saw Elizabeth walk in my room, a pale blue dress in hand. Whoa, whoa, whoa . . .

“What. Is that?” I pointed at the said garment in her hand, my eyes widening.

But the only response I got was an eyebrow raise and, this statement that couldn’t possibly answer the question I had in my head. “It’s a Sunday today,” she grinned and, hung the dress on my bathroom door knob.

I waited until she was out of the door before muttering under my breath, “yeah. So?”

Turning my head to look at the dress from my position on my bed, I’ve decided that I would wait for something like a zombie apocalypse before wearing that.

I mean, come on, I would look like fucking Esther from Orphan with all those ribbons! And, eugh, those lace patterns, Jesus. I seriously would look like someone from the 1950’s in that.

Without warning, I let myself fall out of bed and, crawled to my bags which were placed on a single corner of my old room. I unzipped the largest bag and dug my hands in it, stopping every now and, then to some cloth that I thought was the one I am currently looking for.

My hands felt the familiar texture of my favourite dress – deep purple with some a simple black ribbon that was tied around its waist. It was neither unflattering nor provocative and, was seemingly okay for any occasion (unless there’s colour coding or something). I threw the garment on the bed and, looked around for the compatible shoes.

A knock on the door crept its way up to my ears and, I heard Elizabeth call out from the other side, “Kate, move faster,” a pause, “and, please don’t wear dark make-up, we’re going to Church.”

But, since it was an early Sunday morning, I didn’t have time to come up witty remarks about my choice of make-up. “Yeah, sure, whatever,” I scoffed to myself and, played with the mascara that I twirled absentmindedly around my fingers.

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