Third Year

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Beginning of 3rd year

" Yo, Evans!" James Potter yelled, as the redhead reached the platform.

After a summer without him, she was in a better mood than she usually
was, so she smiled her big smile at him, and said "hey Potter"

James was shocked by the girl's niceness, but decided to go along with it, since his parents were watching him, making sure he wasn't rude to the girl he had been complaining about all summer.

"You excited to visit Hogsmeade this year?" he asked

"I'm actually really excited. I read all about it, and it sounds so
interesting. It's got great history, and from what I've heard, great
snacks too."

James laughed, and was about to respond, when out of no where, Snape appeared.

"Hey Lily," he said

"Sev, hi! I haven't seen you all week!" Lily said while giving the boy
a small hug.

Snape ignored what she said, and turned to her. "Why are you talking to Potter?" he said, glaring at the boy standing next to Lily. "I thought
you hate him" he said in a suspicious voice.

Just at that moment, Sirius showed up. "James, Evans!"

"Sirius, hey!" James said, while Lily pulled the boy into a hug, and
said, "hey Black! How was your summer?"

Sirius started to reply, but Snape cut him off.
"What, now you're friends
with all the marauders? This is ridiculous! You're supposed to hate

James and Sirius knew how Snivellus felt about them, but Lily couldn't
believe her best friend had just screamed at her in front of everyone.

Lily looked at Severus, shook her head slowly, as if to say it wasn't
worth risking their friendship to argue about this, and walked away.

After Lily left, James promptly punched Severus in the eye.

"Don't mess with Lily. That's my job." James said, while Snape held his
now black eye, in pain.

Snape gave James a death glare, and abruptly jumped him, and started to
beat him up. This caused Sirus, Remus and Peter to join the fight, and
suddenly there were four boys beating up one little Slytherin.

Lily, who hadn't seen Severus attack James, turned around and started

"JAMES POTTER! Let go of Severus RIGHT NOW!!!"

"Why do you always assume it's my fault?!" James screamed.

"Because it always is!" Lily retorted
James looked ready to slap her, but didn't get the chance because Lily
turned to Snape and said,
"Can you go get us a compartment?"

"Um, actually..." Snape said, looking very uncomfortable, "I was gonna
sit with the Slytherins"

Lily's face fell, but she quickly regained her composure.

"Oh okay" she said, with false cheerfulness, "I'll sit with my other

"Not them, right?" He responded, with a glare at the marauders.

Lily was tired of him telling her what to do. All summer, he had ranted
about how much he hated the marauders, and frankly, she was sick and tired of it.

"Actually, I probably WILL sit with them. You sit with the Slytherins,
I sit with the Gryffindors. Right?"

Lily had a small smirk on her face, but Snape looked downright furious.

"But-you-them-hate-annoying-" Snape said, desperately trying to form a

"When you manage to actually say a normal sentence, I'm sure she'd love
to listen," Remus said, laughing slightly. "But until then, Lily, you
wanna go find a compartment?"

"Sure" she replied with a smile.

"Later Snivellus!" James called.
Lily didn't bother to correct him

End of 3rd year

"How many times do i have to say no?!?! Just leave me alone Potter!" Lily Evans yelled, as she got off the train.

"No! I have every right to ask you, and I'll continue to ask you until you say yes!"

Mrs Potter sighed. These two times a year that she saw these two children together was enough to drive her crazy. She didn't know how McGonnagal managed it.

"James Potter, i don't know what you're doing to bother her, but stop it immediately!"

James looked at his mother in disbelief. "I didn't do anything wrong! All i did was ask her to go out with me!"

Mrs Potter and Mrs Evans both gasped. What had changed since the last time they had seen their kids?!

"You did not JUST ask me to go out with you! You asked me to go out with you EVERY SINGLE DAY since October!!!" Lily said

"Well, if you had just said yes, I would have stopped."

"Yes, but seeing as I HATE YOU that wouldn't really work out" she said smugly.

Mrs Evans finally recovered from the shock.

"Lily, apologize immediately! When a boy asks you out, you either say yes, or turn him down POLITELY"

"Fine," Lily said with a small smirk, turning to face James.

"I'm really sorry" she said, in a fake sweet voice "but I'd rather stab myself in every part of my body than go out with you, so, no thank you."

Marlene and Alice started to laugh, and as the girls high-fived eachother, Sirius turned to James and said "Better luck next time mate, she',ll come around eventually."

"I know that" said James, with a cocky grin, but I don't want to wait till then, I'm gonna get her to say yes NOW"

"You have an ego the size of America!" Lily screamed "I don't like you, and I never will!"

"That's what you say now, but give it some time, and you'll be wishing you said yes when you had the chance."

"Does that mean you'll stop asking soon?" Lily said, suddenly hopeful.

"Nope!" he said "I might eventually go out with someone else, but there will still be a special place in my heart for you, my one true love."

Mrs Potter and Mrs Evans both had looks of shock on their faces. Mr Evans looked ready to kill the 14 year old boy with his own two hands.

Lily just rolled her eyes. "That was the most pathetic thing I've ever heard you say, and that says a lot"

"C'mon Evans, give the poor guy a chance," Sirius said. "Then maybe he'll stop obsessing over you for two seconds"

"Ya, Lily-kinz, give me a chance" James said, with a grin on his face.

"When you stop being an egotistical jerk, who likes to bully people, and prank them, and act like you're better than everyone else, I'll consider it."

"Yes! It went from an 'absolutely not' to an 'I'll consider it'. I'm making progress!" James said.

"Ugh! I cant wait for a summer away from you! Mum, Dad, can we go?"
Mrs. Evans, who had been chatting with Mrs. Potter about their two children, looked up.

"Okay dear, the cars over there" she said, while pointing to a parking spot on the left side of the parking lot.
Lily picked up her trunk, with the help of her dad, and the two of them started to walk away

"Wait, Evans!" James called out to her.

"What, Potter?" she yelled back.

"Go out with me?"


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