Fourth Year

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Beginning of fourth year

"Look Mum, there she is!" A very excited James Potter said to his
mother, as he saw Lily Evans approach the platform.

"Oy! Evans!"

Lily let out a small groan, before turning around.

"What, Potter?"

James, who was so ecstatic about seeing her after the whole summer,
grinned, and said, "did you get my letters?"

"Uh-huh. Thanks. My fireplace loved them. They warmed me up when I
burned them."

James hadn't expected a nice response, because she was Lily, and if she had read his letters that he had sent her every day, she would have
sent one back, but it still hurt to hear. He pretended it didn't though.

"You burnt them for heat? In the middle of the summer? I forgot how
cold it is in JULY!" he said. If she was going to try to come up with
excuses, she may as well come up with good ones.

"All right, I didn't burn all of them. I burnt the first one, but my
Mum found out, and she wasn't exactly pleased" Lily admitted.

"Speaking of parents, where are yours?" James asked.

Lily gave him a strange look. "Over there, talking to Alice's parents,
but why do you wa-" Lily said, but James had already walked away.

James was approaching the Evanses, to start his next stage in "operation impress Evans". It was time for stage two- impressing her parents.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Evans, I'm James Potter," James said.

"Oh, I know who you are,I've seen you on the platform before, and Lily's mentioned you," Mrs Evans replied.

"Yes, she thinks you're quite rude and irritating" added Mr. Evans. If this boy thought he could just ask his daughter out, without facing the wrath of Richard Evans, he was in for a surprise.

"Well, she's entitled to her opinion, but I'm gonna change it" James
replied, looking cocky as ever.

Mr Evans was considering strangling the boy, but before he could decide if it was worth being arrested over, he was distracted by Sirius.

"James! Hey mate! What are you doing?" Sirus yelled from the other side of the platform.

"Meeting the future in-laws!" James yelled back, nonchalantly.

Lily, who had been talking to Marlene and Remus, gasped, and screamed,
"EXCUSE ME?!?!?"

"You heard me" James said, enjoying the fact that he could get a
reaction like that out of Lily.

Lily regained her composure,smirked, and said "I didn't know you had a thing for Petunia"

James faked throwing up, causing Lily laugh.

"Just accept it now. I'll never go out with you. You're wasting your
time," she said, with a look of pity on her face.

She felt bad that the boy had to be rejected every day, but the other
option was saying yes, and she didn't consider that an option.

"You're just saying that because you're embarrassed to admit that you
have a crush on me!"

Just like that, the pity Lily had for him was gone.

"I will give you three seconds to run, before I come and strangle you
to death," she threatened in an evil sounding voice.

James, having his ego, simply gave her a look that said, "I'm not going

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