Fifth Year

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Beginning of fifth year

"Evans!!!" James Potter yelled, as Lily walked on to the platform.

Lily rolled her eyes. Couldn't the boy talk at a normal volume? Then
again, she yelled all the time too, so she wasn't one to judge. Still,
it was irritating.

"Hey Potter," she responded.

"Come here!" he said, motioning for her to join him, Sirius and his

Lily raised an eyebrow, and then grudgingly walked over to them.
"Hey Black," she said, with a small smile.

Her and Sirius had the strangest friendship ever, and no one understood how they were friends. And yet, it worked. They had a lot in
common, and yet we're so different. They came from different worlds,
but were both prejudiced against because of their families who didn't
approve of them. She may hate his best friend, but they were still
close friends.

"So Lily-kinz, last year I met your parents. It's time you meet mine"
James said.

"No offense to you," Lily said to Mr. and Mrs. Potter "but if your genes
made Potter, you're not the type of people I really want to associate
myself with," she continued with a smirk.

Mrs. Potter looked affronted, but Mr. Potter just laughed.

"You got yourself a keeper here, James," he said to his son.

"Oh, I know," James responded.

Behind him, Lily looked at Sirius and mimed barfing.

Sirius stifled a laugh. Not quickly enough though, because James heard

"Do I want to know what you're laughing about?" he asked, without turning around.

"Probably not," Sirius replied truthfully.

All of a sudden, Amos Diggory walked up to them. Lily smiled on the
inside. Amos was a handsome Hufflepuff their age,and even though he was sometimes rude, he was usually quite nice, and Lily had a bit of a crush on him.

"Hey Lily, can I talk to you?" he asked.

James and Sirius looked ready to murder him, but Lily just grinned and nodded. "Sure"

As they walked to the corner of the platform where there was less
noise, Sirius turned to face James.

"He's going to ask her out" he said simply.

"I know THAT" James replied. "But do you think she'll say yes?"

"I dunno. Probably" Sirius admitted.
He was right. When Amos and Lily got to the corner, Amos looked at Lily.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

Lily blushed. People often told her she was pretty, with her bright red
hair, and big green eyes, but being called beautiful by a guy you like
is completely different.

Amos, who noticed her blushing, took this as a sign to continue.

"Well I'm telling you now," he said. "You're the prettiest girl in
school, and I want you to be my girlfriend."

Lily smiled slightly. It wasn't the best way to be asked out, because
after all, he had only talked about her looks, but then again, it wasn't like she was going to find someone better, who was going to not care about her looks. Unfortunately, that's the way boys worked. And anyway, she was sure Amos had thought that was the right way to ask her out. He probably liked her for other reasons, but only mentioned her looks this time.

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