50 Signs You Are A Psychic

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1. You have an object, piece of jewelry, or article of clothing that seems to attract "luck" or protection whenever you have it with you.

2. You believe yourself to be, and describe yourself as, "a good judge of character."

3. You have an immediate sense of comfort or discomfort when meeting certain people for the first time, and that feeling is more important to you than anything they may say or do.

4. Some people just seem to "glow" or radiate good vibes, while others have energy that feels dimmed.

5. You see lights around people's heads.

6. You see floating orbs or blobs of light and color.

7. Your photographs are full of orbs.

8. You perceive shadows or smudges in the air.

9. You've seen, heard, or felt what you can only call ghosts or spirits.

10. You have family members who claim to have had psychic experiences.

11. You have a profound sense of dislike or distrust of someone (for no "good" reason) that later proves to be justified.

12. You have some sense of people's "stories" or you find that you know details about their lives before you get to know them.

13. You seem to have a sign floating above your head that invites strangers to tell you their personal histories or to discuss their intimate problems.

14. When you meet animals (pets) for the first time, they always respond to you positively, relative to other people; their owners remark "She must really like you; she's usually not this friendly with strangers."

15. Your own pets always know when you're about to arrive, even when it's off-schedule.

16. Babies either smile at you readily or cannot seem to stop staring at you.

17. You know a friend's mood the moment you see her or hear her voice.

18. You notice the atmosphere of a room change when someone new enters it.

19. When visiting a building of historical significance you can "see" people and events taking place there, almost like flashes of scenes from a film.

20. You feel "hot" or "cold" spots inside houses that are independent of drafts or vents.

21. When you travel, you sometimes feel a sense of familiarity with a place you've never been before - you may feel an overwhelming emotion, a sense of deja vu, or seem to instinctively feel your way around without a map.

22. You are repeatedly drawn to a certain historical place, time period, or culture.

23. Your family and friends "joke" about how you're psychic.

24. You can correctly predict the sex of unborn children.

25. No joking aside, your family and friends always want you to weigh in on their important decisions and personal issues.

26. You think a lot of people you meet "look familiar," look like someone else, or you feel that you've met them before.

27. You attract other people who share the experiences we call intuition or psychic abilities.

28. You know who's calling the moment you hear the phone ring.

29. You see sequences of the same numbers over and over again, often enough that you wonder what they must mean.

30. You suddenly find yourself thinking about someone who hasn't crossed your mind in years, and soon after you receive a call or email from him, or literally run into him on the street.

31. You've had to change hotel rooms or move to a new home because you felt uncomfortable or unsafe in a certain space, for purely "psychic" reasons.

32. You often call your friends and family and the voice mail or call waiting shows that you are trying to call each other at the exact same moment.

33. Your dreams often come true.

34. You dream that you are people other than yourself.

35. You dream that you are speaking a foreign language (one you don't know in your waking life).

36. You hear your children calling out for you, even when they are too physically far away for you to hear them.

37. You often hear someone calling your name, even when there is no one there.

38. You hear music playing in the distance that you can't seem to locate.

39. You hear the muffled rumble of people carrying on conversations through the walls.

40. You often have to turn off the shower because you think you hear someone calling, the phone ringing, or music playing.

41. You notice cars following you while driving that suddenly seem to have vanished.

42. You "lose time" while walking or driving and find yourself farther along your route that you think you should be.

43. You change your regular route, on a sudden impulse, and later discover that you avoided a traffic jam, accident, train crossing, etc.

44. You become physically ill before an event or cancel plans at the last minute, finding out later that it was a "disaster."

45. You stop at a store on a whim and discover something you've been looking for, as if you were led to it.

46. You feel the need to call, text, or email and "check on" someone who is on your mind. You find out that something has indeed happened or that something significant is going on with her.

47. When you were a child, you had imaginary friends with elaborate back-stories, and you knew very specific, detailed information about who they are.

48. You sometimes suddenly smell a perfume (or a scent such as tobacco) that is familiar to you or that you associate with someone you used to know.

49. You often feel watched, or you could swear that someone is about to enter the room, even when you know yourself to be physically alone.

50. You have the sense of an idea trying to break through, or feel like a pattern is about to emerge, like the sensation of having a word "on the tip of your tongue."

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