10 Signs of Psychic Awakening and How to Embrace Them

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What Causes an Awakening?

There really isn't a one-size-fits-all reason why someone begins to open up, but here are the most common causes of psychic awakening (many of my fall into one of these categories):

Accident or Near Death Experience- You have probably heard stories like these: a person is in a near-fatal accident, and begins having psychic experiences, or seeing spirits soon after. John Holland and Maureen Hancock are two who were awakened after an accident. And the famous "angel lady," , opened up after a scary event.

Losing a Loved One- People often turn to their spirituality for comfort after the passing of a loved one. And this connection to spirituality brings them closer to Source, and their true, soul-level essence which can cause a psychic awakening.

Birth of a Child- Intuition naturally heightens for new parents, especially moms, as they get "tuned in" to the needs of their child. They don't call it "mother's intuition" for nothing!Healing - Something as simple as a hypnosis or an energetic healing session (such as Reiki) can reignite your sixth sense. These types of sessions can raise your vibration, get energy flowing and hence, cause a shift in your awareness.

As we mentioned earlier, there really are no rules as to why an awakening occurs. But as you can see, a major change of life event, or anything that causes a shift in your perspective or energy fields can crack the door open enough to cause an awakening

10 Signs of Psychic Awakening

1. Tingling Sensation or Pressure

You may begin to develop this in the "third eye" area (between the eyebrows), at the crown of the head, or in your chakras. This happens for two reasons:

you are picking up energetic signalsyour chakras are opening up

In the beginning stages of development, this sensation can be very strong.

2. Connection with Spirit

You might find that you are having a stronger connection to the spirit world. In other words, it may become easier for you to sense the presence of Spirit: Your spirit guides, angels, and your own loved ones in heaven.

You may also begin to feel the presence of other people's loved ones around. For many folks, mediumship is a natural progression that follows psychic awakening. (And it's perfectly fine for your mediumship to develop at the same time as your intuition.

3. Desire to be Away from Negativity

You may also find that you are picking up on the emotions and feeling of others quite easily. This is known as being empathic, or an empath.

Because of your sensitivity, you might feel drained being around people who are very negative or dramatic. Honor what you are feeling, and stay away from the drama whenever possible.

4. Desire to Eat Healthier Foods

You might suddenly be reaching for a salad instead of a junk food! Here's why:

When you are doing intuitive work, you vibrate at a higher frequency (remember, we are all vibrational beings). So, without realizing it, you could be instinctively reach for "higher vibrational" foods, such as fruits, vegetables, etc.

These foods help keep you from being weighed down and keep your vibration light. Some people even choose to adopt a .

5. Desire to Learn and Be More Spiritual

Most everyone who experiences a psychic awakening has an appetite to learn. As we open up, we are shedding our old skins and subconsciously remembering the luminance of our soul. To that end, it's common to want to read everything we can get our hands on, learn as much as possible, and walk a more spiritual path.

6. Frequent or Vivid Dreams

Vivid dreaming, or dreaming more often, is another common symptom of psychic awakening. There are two reasons for this:

When you are sleeping, there is no resistance. In other words, your mind is not getting in the way of what you are receiving intuitively. So, during the day you might get a feeling about something and say to yourself, "Hmm, should I trust my gut feeling, or is this just my logical mind?" In the sleep state, that resistance is not present. And don't worry, this does not necessarily mean that your dreams are premonitions.As you open up, it becomes much easier to access other levels of consciousness, such as the dream state. It's helpful (and fun!) to start keeping a dream journal near your bed.
7. Heightened Sensitivity of Your Physical Senses

If you find that your hearing is heightened, you are seeing twinkles of light, or "something" out of the corner of your eye... Congratulations! It means that your , or "clairs," are opening up and getting stronger. This is a normal part of the awakening process.

8. Intuitive "Hits"

Having a sense that something is going to happen or receiving a third eye vision is another sign. For some, this can be very exciting; for others, it's very frightening. If you are in the latter category:

Set the intention that you will not receive any scary messages or visions. Practice using on yourself as much as possible. This will allow you to become familiar with it; and in time, it will feel natural and comfortable. Tip: You'll also learn to control your gifts eventually - your psychic ability does not need to be turned "on" at all times.

9. Headaches

The headaches are terrible, aren't they? Unfortunately, they are pretty common. They are caused by the influx of energy.

One thing you can do to try to combat this pesky problem is to soak your feet in warm water. This will help bring the energy down to your feet, and away from your head. Feel free to add Epsom salts or essential oils to the water. You may also want to check with a medical doctor to make sure there is no underlying cause for your headache.

10. Losing Friends - Making New Ones

The path of psychic awakening is exciting! Your soul will grow tremendously during this time. You may find that you are outgrowing some friends, and things that were once important to you no longer are. It's okay; the Universe will put new people in your path. Continue to trust.

Releasing the Fear

So how are you feeling about your psychic awakening? If you are at all hesitant or uncomfortable, this little "pep" talk might help. Here we go:

Right now, something has shifted in you and you're beginning to recognize that you are a spiritual and intuitive being. It's okay, and you're okay, too.
Intuition is a perfectly natural thing. As a matter of fact, even Albert Einstein was a huge believer in intuition! You can read some of his quotes on the subject .When you first realize that you are having a psychic awakening, it can feel strange or unfamiliar. This is normal, and lots of other folks have felt the exact same way when they began opening up.

Honestly, there is nothing to fear at all. Nothing spooky will happen to you. That dramatic stuff only happens in the movies. So take a deep breathe, and enjoy the ride!

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