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Eggman had the robot a few feet above Sonic "any last word rodent?" He asked ready to finish it off when suddenly someone yelled "chaos spear!" And the robot went back a few feet before it was covered in a light green light and thrown far away "I'll be back Soniccccc!!!!" Eggmans voice echoed as he vanished.

Sonic barely had his eyes opened as he saw a black and white blur standing In front of him before he passed out.

Shadow and Silver looked at each other "who are you?!" They both asked at the same time "humph" Shadow said as he crosses his arms "let's help the blue guy first, he looks really bad" he mumbled as he looked down at Sonic. "Who's picking him up?" Silver asked. "I don't know him! You do it!" Shadow growled as Silver signed "I don't know him!! But ugh fine" he said as he used his power to lift him "happy?"

Sonic eyes opened as he growled holding his head "where?" He asked looking around "your in a cave" he heard a voice say. "Huh?" He asked looking up to see a black and red hedgehog and a Silver one. "We saved your butt blue" Silver said as Sonic sat up "thanks guys, I guess I just wasn't in the mood" he mumbled as he saw his cuts and bruise were gone. "I used a chaos emerald to heal you" Shadow explained seeing the confused look on Sonic face, he simply nodded.

"So what's your name blue?" Silver asked "I think we should all tell a little about our selfs" Shadow glares "like a little show and tell?" He asked grumpy.

"I'll Sonic! Sonic The Hedgehog! Fastest thing alive" the blue blur said giving them a thumb up and his cocky smile.

"I'll Shadow! Shadow The Hedgehog! Ultimate life form!" The black blur said with his arms crossed.

"I'm Silver! Silver The Hedgehog! Um...I'm from the future?" He said with a shrug

"Well nice to meet y'all but I'll be going now" Sonic said as he made a run for it but ended up being tripped by Shadow and landed on his face. "Not so fast hero" the dark hedgehog said as he picked Sonic up by his arm, setting him on his feet. Sonic made a face at Shadow "why?" He asked

"Because Silver here said we need to team up to defeat some darkness or whatever" Shadow said still holding on to Sonic's arm. The blue blur tried to pull him arm away but Shadow didn't budge. "Ok so first we have to go to this place called Hedge, i know it's weird but that's the name and its far away so we might have to drive there" Silver explained as Sonic licked Shadow arm. "Ewww!! Gross!!" Shadow yelled as he let go of Sonic and held his arm away from him making a face. He growled at Sonic trying to hold in his anger.

"Guys calm down!" Silver said as he stood between the two. "I have a car" Sonic mumbled before running of. "I don't trust him" Shadow mumbled as he ran after him, he passed Sonic with a smirk "for the fastest thing alive your pretty slow Sonic" he said with a chuckle seeing Sonic shocked face.

Sonic smirked before catching up "hey Finally someone who isn't that slow" he chuckled as he passed him and the two raced. "Great" Silver mumbled as he flew to catch up with them

So there you have the next chapter, I know it's not the best but...its something.

The Three HedgiesWhere stories live. Discover now