Soda cuts your hair by Chanel

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I looked at myself in the streaky bathroom mirror. I sighed. My look was so plain. I need something new, something fresh, something not boring. I ruffled my hair and stared at it a little longer. I titled my head and watched the strands sway back and fourth.

"Hey babe, what ya doin?" Soda asked from the door of the bathroom.

"Trying to figure out what to do with my hair." I said looking at his reflection. he leaned against the door frame.

"What do ya mean?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's so boring, I want to change it." I said looking at my limp, lifeless, (Y/H/C) hair.

"How 'bout you let me cut it?" He grinned. My eyes went wide.

"You sure you want to? I mean, if it looks bad it's all on you." I said looking at him skeptically.

"I want to try." He said walking over inspecting my hair.

"Okay." I smile nervously.

He takes a chair into the small room and makes me sit on it. A few minutes go by and I start getting impatient.

"Are you almost done?" I ask twiddling my thumbs.

"Not yet, be patient babe." He responds calmly. I sigh heavily.

I sit for about an hour more. My eyelids droop a bit, I hear a chop of hair then silence. I sit up and looked behind me at Soda. His face is a mix between happiness and nervousness.

"What's wrong?" I said putting my hand up to my hair and feeling it. I immediately notice the uneven strands.

"I-I tried to do something cool, it didn't work out the way I planned." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Look for yourself." He gestured to the mirror.

I turned and saw my once long hair now shoulder length, the front longer than the back. He tried to make the back shorter and gradually get longer as it moved forward, but that didn't work. It wasn't too bad, just a few strands longer than they should be and a few shorter than they should be, but overall it was pretty good for a greaser with scissors.

"It's, um, it's definitely one of a kind." I said looking at it in the reflection.

"I'm sorry hun, I messed up your hair. But in my opinion you still look beautiful." He said placing his chin on your shoulder. I blushed and one of the corners of my lips rose.

"I like it, it's original" I grinned. "and I'm an original kind of person." I added.

He smiled widely. "You like it?"

I nodded.

"But maybe I could fix it up a bit." I said twisting my head a bit to see the sides. "Just a little touch up."

He laughed. "I think that would be a good idea."

I cut it so it was a bit more even.

"There." I said placing the scissors on the counter.

"I finished."

He smirked. "Much better."

We walked into the living room and saw Pony sitting on the couch. He looked up at us and then back to the t.v. but instantly looked back up.

"Your hair!? It's gone!" He said shocked.

"Yeah, I thought it was time for a change."

Soda and I walked over and plopped on the couch beside Ponyboy.

"It's... different." He said faking a smile.

"Soda did it, but I fixed it up." I said giggling.

"That explains it."

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