chapter 7

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This time when I woke up there was less confusion about where I was. After Forrest Gump Michael and I had climbed under the covers and he'd put on another movie. I was shocked by how similar our movie taste really was, because when he put in the Goonies it took everything in me not to squeal, and despite his protests throughout the film I continued to say the lines out loud before they even happened.

"You're so annoying. What happened to the Annabelle that never spoke? I think I preferred her." He ranted as he hit me with the pillow for the 5th time.

"I really like this film, okay?"

"So do I! Shut up." He grumbled, repositioning himself so he could still see.

So when I woke this morning I knew exactly where I was. I wasn't expecting the arm that was flung over my waist haphazardly, or the breath that was blowing on the back of my ear tickling slightly, but it wasn't until I shifted my weight slightly that I felt something dig into my backside causing me to jump.

I sat bolt upright and jumped out of bed, flinging the covers off of both of us in doing so. I looked down and bit my lip nervously, trying not to giggle.

"What is going on?" Michael asked groggily. Not opening his eyes. At which point I kinda lost it and giggled. Michael's eyes flung open and his gaze dropped to his lower abdomen. "Oh." I thought he was embarrassed but instead he just looked up, looked me dead in the eye, smirked, wiggled his eyebrows at me and dropped his gaze back to his boxers.

It was then that I felt my cheeks flush and I darted from the room, not even bothering to shut the door behind me. When I got downstairs Mr Clifford was sat at the table buffing his boots.

"Annabelle! I didn't know you'd stayed the night, love!" He beamed before spitting on his boot.

"Uh, I didn't really intend to." I admitted. "Do you want me to make some breakfast?" I asked. Noticing he only had a cup of coffee in front of him.

"You don't have to do that! Karen Will be up in a moment and she'll do it!"

"It would really mean a lot to me if you let me do this. I make breakfast every morning at home anyway, it's no imposition on me." I smiled. I really just wanted to thank them for letting me stay and being so kind about it. Most parents wouldn't be okay with letting a girl stay in their teenage sons room, but they had been nothing but lovely about it.

"If you insist. I'm not going to turn down breakfast!" He chortled to himself.

It hadn't taken me long to realise my initial assumptions about Michael's dad had been wrong. He was a kind man with a big heart, there was no denying it. I was sure that he could be a little overbearing at times, but he had his sons best interests at heart and that was what mattered.
I opened the fridge and riffled around before I found some eggs and peppers and cheese. "Are omelette's okay?" I asked.

"Can you just move in?" He laughed and I took that as a yes. I had just finished making the first omelet when Mrs Clifford came downstairs.

"Annabelle, sweetie, I thought you weren't staying the night?" She asked, eying me suspiciously.

"I'm sorry. I should have checked it was okay." I frowned. I hadn't even considered how rude it had been to just invite myself to stay.

"No, dear it's fine! I just didn't expect you to be here." She smiled, patting me on the shoulder before pulling a mug from the cupboard.

I nodded, "I hope you like omelets!" I smiled. "Thank you again Mrs Clifford."

"I love them, but dear, please call me Karen. Mrs Clifford is my mother in law and she's a scary Australian woman with no teeth." She giggled as she made her way over to where her husband was sat.

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