not always what it seems

31 2 0

Later that night I look into the camera.

No one has come yet, so I walk down there.

"Foxy?...Bonnie?... Chicka?..... FREDDY?" I call out.

No one replied.

I look around then I hear something. I get scared and start to tear up.

Then I hear laughing.

Freddy must be mocking me, so I spin around to see I was mere inches away from a mans face.

I blush red not moving. I look at his face. It looked familiar.

"Ah.. So we meet again sweet heart" he chuckles.

He hasn't backed up yet so I push him.

"Who are you! How did you get in here?" I was getting ready to hit him with the closest thing near me.

"Vincent. And classified" he smirks.

"Why are you here?! Why are you in my dreams?!" I yell.

"Classified" he pauses and I look at him.

"Wow, we met once and you're already dreaming about me" he smirks and I go red.



I open my eyes and I look at him.

My hand was still connected to his face, his face turned to the side.

My eyes widen and his head slowly faces me, He looks angry.

He glares at me and I yelp as his hands rap around my neck.

I kick trying to get away.

He smiles at me and let's go of me while I catch my breath, rubbing my neck.

I look up at him terrified.

He dissapears.

I walk back to my office drained.

I close my eyes slowly seeing a figure on my right.

Everything goes black.

I fall off the chair but don't wake up.

I open my eyes and I was in a house I look around, I see a throne.

A man sat there with a white rose in hand.

He laughs softly and hands it to me. I pick it up instantly dropping it. I was bleeding.

I couldn't speak or make any type of noise. I was mute.

He grabs my chin a whispers.

"Welcome to my world. I have been waiting for you oh so long." I look at him in distress.

"This is the place you'll be in, in a while you will be staying with me until the very end." He says.

"Don't be scared, I just want the company, I'll become your knight in shining armor and I'll die for you" he adds and my mind goes black.

Where am I....

Who am I....

I will stay....

He seems lonely.....

I'll become like him for his sake....

He smiles.

"I'll stay by your side" I say, All emotions gone clear.

"Good my daughter, now wake up until then" he whispers.

I snap awake to the 6 am bell.

I look around confused but pack up no less and head home.

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