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Amunhotep's POV

"After five years of war all we could manage was to have a peace treaty with the Hitties!! I hope that Pharoh Ay will not be angry with us, he will find a way to deal with this." He said to himself trying to calm himself down, but the only thing that went through his mind was if his love, Princess Anuksunamun has changed in her appearance after all of these years.



" I am so excited to see Amunhotep! Aren't you Tuya?" She hesitated to reply to her best friend and Anuksunamun noticed right away as Tuya replied with a concerning voice " yes, my lady, it has been quite a while since you have seen him." "KNOCK KNOCK "
"Who is it" Anuksunamun said. "Pardon me my lady but your father is calling you to the throne room right away!" The guard said. " I will be right out, thank you!" Tuya spoke " My lady we must hurry before Pharoh gets upset at our tardiness, here my lady let me put your wig and makeup on so you look appropriate in front of Pharoh!"
" Good evening father, how are you on this fine morning?" She said with a beautiful smile. " Very well my daughter, and as you may have heard I have made a peace treaty with the Hitties."  "Yes of course I heard father, why do you ask?" Anuksunamun said with a worried voice. "Well my daughter, as part of that that treaty I have set up your marriage with the Hittie prince Ashai. He will be arriving in a while so I suggest that you clean yourself up so you look like Isis for the banquet tonight, I expect your best behavior."  "Yes father, I will do what I can took win the true favor of Prince Ashai" Anuksunamun said bowing her head in shock.


"I am very excited to meet my wife to be, it is said that she is exceedingly smart, great with people especially with children, extremely beautiful, and an excellent hunter! Aren't you excited to meet my bride Seth?"  "Of course I am milord, but do you really believe such rumors? Seth said with a concerned tone that had the prince Ashai wonder is the rumors are true. " I will be able to see her at the banquet for myself to determine if the rumors are true."   "Well Sire we are almost there!"

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