The Dreaded Banquet (part one)

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Once I came back from that dreaded talk I called my chambermaids to get me prepared for the banquet. I know that when people hear banquet they think of lively music, whores dancing, and lots of wine, but an Egyptians banquet is different because we always have a fight between me and one of my cousins for a test of strength. And yes there is also a feast, wine, and whores dancing , but we Egyptians make it very interesting. One I am done bathing, I get prepared by slipping on my armor which consists of my metal top that perfectly outlines my breasts, my 'skirt' my sandals from the Romans, and my metal mask. Once that is over my chambermaids apply a thick layer of kohl and gold dozy around my eyes, breasts, and and other places that should be noticed. " thank you all for helping me get ready." I tell my chambermaids which reply telling me " no my lady it is us who should be saying thank you for allowing us to prepare you for the banquet." I nod ant them and turn to leave so that I may go to my fight.

ASHAI'S POV (after the conversation/getting prepared)

Well after that small talk I think that I shouldn't have reacted that way, but I do hope that she can forgive me. She was amazing when she was fighting with the traitors! Mmm maybe I will catch a glimpse of my warrior goddess before the banquet. After the chambermaids let the hot water in the bathroom I got in and started daydreaming about how Anuksunamun would look like today, especially since I heard that the Egyptian banquets are different from any other kingdom, I will be so looking forward to this. But I couldn't get the image out of my mind on how that man was looking at her with lustful eyes. When I snap out of that daydream I leave the bathroom so I can get ready. To show of my muscles I am only putting on a basic pair of bottoms with a gold bet around the top, I also put on my rings, my 'necklaces', my Babylonian wig, and a light coat of kohl around my eyes. As I go out of the room I get the engagement ring that got from my beloved mother once she passed to give it to the woman that I love and will marry, so I will give it to my bride, which I truly love because she makes me nervous every time that I am talking with her, not ignoring the butterflies roaming in my stomach every time she is being mentioned, but the worst part of it is that I start blushing every time I see her, which I odd because I have seen my fair share of beautiful women but if you put them all in the same room none will compare to Anuksunamun's beauty.
Once I leave the chamber I catch a small glimpse of Anuksunamun, and may I say she is gorgeous!
So I walk up to her and tell her " good evening princess,you look beautiful." She tells me "Thank you Ashai you look very handsome yourself. But please call me Anuksunamun or Anuk because I don't like using my title that much." And all I can think about how humble she is and how that attire shows off her curves, not to mention the gold dust around her body and face. And the henna design around her hands, feet, And breasts makes me feel weird around my shaft! So all I can manage to say was
"So, um would you like to go inside together?" And she told me " yes, I would love to!" While showing me that beautiful smile of hers.
Once we are announced, all eyes were on us so when we're going down to sit I saw a woman dressed like Anuksunamun sitting next to the man that I saw talking to Anuk before I interrupted them.
It made me so mad but I set it aside once the pharaoh came in and came towards me and Anuk to greet us and announce our engagement.
I stood up from my seat and held Anuksunamun's soft hand while walking towards the pharaoh's throne and then I heard him start saying "My people and Hittie neighbors as part of the Treaty of Anukashai we both. King Ankemempta and I, Pharaoh Ay have agreed to betroth Prince Ashai of the Hittie Empire and my darling daughter, Princess Anuksunamun!"
Once he finished saying the day that the wedding will occur on which was in three weeks from now, I turned to look at Anuksunamun and she had a genuine smile on her face from hearing that we will be making such a great difference and impact for our beloved kingdoms. I was about to ask her if this was what she really wanted but I was beat by the Pharaoh when he said " Now my daughter Princess Anuksunamun will prove her worth by battling her cousin Isetnophret that has been trained to be Egypt's best woman warrior, so that she can battle my daughter Anuksunamun for the title of Neith's First in Command! And also to prove her worth to Prince Ashai and the Hitties!

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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