Thoughts In My Head

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He was half in love with her and her beautiful brown curls, short flared skirts and sapphire eyes. Mr. Gold absolutely adored the town's librarian from the moment she walked into his shop with an inquiry about restoring and reopening the library.

Belle French had come into the store while he stood at the front desk mindlessly arranging rusted antiques into a silver tin. She came to the front desk, asking if "a Mr. Gold was in the shop", and he would've sneered at her hopeless question if her bold blue eyes weren't piercing through his. Their conversation finally boiled down to the plan to restore and reopen the library. From that day on, Gold's top priority became the library. If he could get that open, she'd give him a genuine smile, and smile she did.

Now that the library was open, Gold no longer had a reason to be in her life. A few books returned and borrowed from the library from time to time was simply not enough. They had become friends, but he merely thought she had been nice for the sole reason he allowed the library to reopen. He would've asked her on a date if he wasn't so afraid. It was better like this anyway. Losing himself in fantasies rather than taking the risk of ruining their simple friendship, and going through the pain of rejection.

And here he was, Mr. Gold, standing in front of the library. It was the third time this week. He had come to the library for the first time without an excuse. There was absolutely no reason for his being there, apart from the fact that he wanted to see her.

He quietly stepped inside the library; his eyes immediately finding Belle's. Her eyes lit up, and she motioned for him to walk over to the front desk.

He began making his way to her, tuning out Mary Margaret's class of fourth-grade reading, and ignoring the looks of surprise from the people who had taken notice of him. It was 12 noon; one of the busiest hours of the library. Why had he chosen this time to visit, he did not know. Making rational decisions was always hard for him when it concerned the pretty librarian anyway.

Belle watched as he swiftly walked past the people passing in and out of the library. There was just something about him that made him stand out from all the other people in this town. Alright, Belle. It's now or never. Just ask him to the dance. Use a conversation starter, then transition into the dance. That's all you have to do. Belle nervously bit her lower lip. Oh, gods. He's getting closer. Say hi. Say something. Anything!

Mr. Gold triumphantly smiled upon reaching the desk. He placed a book on the counter and cheerfully looked up. "Afternoon, Miss Fre-"

"What's your favorite animal?!" She mentally smacked herself. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Belle, stop being an idiot.

He gave her a puzzled look, before raising an eyebrow in amusement. "I got to know a sheepdog or two during my childhood. If I could, I'd surely buy another."

Belle felt her cheeks burn, and she looked away from him to hide her embarrassment. "Th-That's great." She didn't trust herself to continue.

He took pity on her loss for words, and pressed on with mindless questions. "And yours? Your favorite animal, I bet I can guess."

"Yeah, go for it." Her fingers nervously played with a paper clip.

He set his cane against the desk to use more of the table to lean closer to Belle. He smiled, showing all of his teeth, "Koala."

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