Part 3 Nicole

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"smart ass" I muttered, I stopped leaning my petite frame against the doorway and walked twords the love of my life. I loved him so much and was trying my hardest to help him get better. We soon fell deep into comversation laughing about our random inside jokes

"Merry elisibeth i really think you're going to regret that when you look back on your highschool pictures" laughing to the point our faces were red and we could barely breath after sassily quoting out favorite movies. Thats what was so great about us. No matter how much we were hurt we could smile and laugh- unfortunately we were inturrupted by the loud beeping coming from the heart moniter, it had become unplugged from Ryan and we were soon crowded by nurses, and I was pulled into the hallway.
"I'm sorry to have to tell you this", the old nurse said in sorrow like it was the end of him. She continued and said that he was going to be "sent upstairs"

The psych ward.

I knew it was good for him but I was worried, they didn't truly know how to help. I knew from experience.

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