The secret

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No ones P.O.V.
Sabine and Autumn have been in Autumns room for 3 dates and Ezra has a smile on his face that will not go away

"Autumn Jedi trying!" Kanan yelled through the door.

Autumn would open it a little bit bot you can't see her

"Kanan I don't feel good can I skip training?" Autumn asked

I knew she was lieing to me but Kanan doesn't want to deal with two girls so he said ok and left.

Autumn P.O.V.
After Kanan left I want back to Sabine

She was adding color to my hair and making a new outfit for me and I was happy.

"Autumn what is your favorite color?" Sabine asked

"Sky blue ,purple,and orange. And a little red." I told her and she smiles

"You know your colors." Sabine said and I just smiled

Sabine did my hair and clothes and we were ready to show the crew.

No ones P.O.V.

The next day they saw Sabine with a grin
"Ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce the one and only but improve Autumn Brooks." Sabine said and Autumn step out.

Everyone gasp and Kanan said"Nice colors and rebellious." He said with a smirk on him

Autumn and Sabine looked at each other and Autumn ran to Sabine and said," Thank you...big sis."

Sabine was shocked and Autumn ran to her room and everyone looked at Kanan and he got up and want after Autumn.

Kanan got to the door and heard Autumn talking to her self

Autumn P.O.V.
"Why stupid Sabine is a better big sis then you were to you brother and sister." I said will punching the wall

I heard Kanan at the door and I opened it with the force will punching the wall

Kanan ran to Autumn to stop her

"Autumn what's wrong and look at your hands they are bleeding." Kanan said will stopping me

I then felt weak and cold

All I heard was Kanan calling me name then I black out.

Star Wars Rebals:The new member Ezra X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now