Skywalker daughter

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No ones P.O.V.
"My real name is Autumn Skywalker. Daughter of Anakin Skywalker aka Dark Vader." Autumn said and want back to the her ball

Kanan was shocked

" So Cj and DD are Skywalker's too?" Kanan asked

She said yes and did not move or talk

Autumn P.O.V.
I was getting sleepy and hungry

But I don't want to face Kanan or anyone

I heard movement and I got scared

Then Sabine came in

Ok so it was Sabine and I didn't mind

"Autumn you ok and sorry about your sister." Sabine said

What they do not know my real name

"I fine just thinking." I said

"Ok and Supper is waiting for you." She said and left

I thought I am hungry but I don't want to see Kanan

But my hunger was killing me so I want to get food but at midnight

When I was sure everyone was asleep I sneaked in and ate

What I did not know was Kanan did not go asleep

So I ate till I was full and I got sleepy

I was about to head to my room when the door open

I hide under the table

"Autumn I know you are awake." A voice said

Crap it was Kanan

I stay quiet and wish he would leave

He never left

Isn't he tired and I was getting sleeper and sleeper till I curled up and fell asleep under the table

Kanan P.O.V.
I heard soft snoring and follow it to under the table

I looked under it and saw Autumn asleep

I thought Autumn was here the whole time

I picked her up and took her to bed

When I tucked her in she started to mumble to her self

No not a nightmare

Autumn P.O.V.
Autumn dream/nightmare

I was looking out when Ezra and Kanan tagged me

I ran after them but then everything got dark and cold

I then saw April and Dark Vader coming to us

I lignite my lightsaber and so did Ezra and Kanan

We fought

I fought April will Kanan and Ezra fought Dark Vader

Then I was about to wake up when I saw Era dead and Kanan dead

They were coming for me but I couldn't move when April throw the lightsaber at me

End of Autumn dream/nightmare

I woke up gasping for breath and crying

"Autumn you ok?"

No not Kanan not now

When Ashoka came in

Thank god she came

"Kanan can I talk to Autumn alone?" Ashoka asked

He looked at me and left

"Autumn what's your real name autumn." She asked

"Autumn Skywalker." I said

She looked happy

Now I can all you skyguy." She said with a smile

"I get to call you snips." I said

We laugh till Kanan knocked

Then I got up and said,"Bye Snips." I said and left

Kanan was about to ask when I said,"She knows." I yelled and want to find Ezra to prank Cj and Sabine

Star Wars Rebals:The new member Ezra X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now