Dad trouble

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Autumn P.O.V.
When I woke up I saw Rebel and Kanan

I got up and looked at the clock

It was 6:30 am

I got up and feed Rebel and left Kanan to sleep

I want outside and looked at the stars

"Autumn you know there is a thing called rest." I heard some one say

I looked at how said it


I looked back at the stars

"What's on your mind?" He asked and sat right beside me

"Nothing at all." I said

I was lieing and I forgot Jedi can feel when you are lieing.

"Autumn I know you are lieing." He said

"Fine you caught me. It's Dark Vador thing. He is my dad and if he is my dad and everyone else finds out they will not trust me. And how of all people is he my dad. KANAN I FOUND MY DAD BUT NOW HE IS DARK VADOR WHY KANAN WHY?" You finish with a Kanan thinking Kanan

"Autumn I don't know why but you need to calm down ok." He says will hugging me

I started to cry till I could not cry anymore

Kanan was there and he help me out

When morning came I asked can I train now?"

He said "yes."

No ones P.O.V.
Autumn trains from day to night

Then night to day

Everyone was getting worried

She doesn't listen to music

She doesn't write music anymore

She doesn't draw anymore

She only sleep for an hour

She eats at lunch and only a apple

She does laps and then lightsaber practice

She would ask the crew to attack her

She would even snap at Cj,DD,Sabine,Ezra, and even Kanan

Zeb can only talk to her

Hera can stop her for a little bit

Now and then she would talk to the crew then back to training

Kanan was getting worried more and more everyday

One day Autumn was doing a lap when she want to her tower

Kanan and Ezra decided to follow Autumn

Autumn ran to her tower and want in

Kanan want in will Ezra keep watch

"Autumn you need to rest not kill yourselve." Kanan said when he want in

"Kanan I need to. Dark Vador is strong and will kill you so I need to be strong or else everyone that I love will die." Autumn said

Kanan was right beside her and just looked at her

"I will do shorter training and sleep more and eat more." Autumn finally said

"Now let's go back and I think you need to tell everyone else." He said will standing up

She nodded her head yes

Ezra was waiting when they finally come out

"Autumn you ok?" Ezra asked as soon as they came down

"I have to tell you guys something on the ship."

When they walk Autumn was getting weaker

Kanan and Ezra notice  how pal Autumn

"Autumn need some help?" Ezra asked

"Yeah."  Autumn said

Kanan took Autumn arm to support her will Ezra took Autumns other arm

She smiled and then got enough energy she would tell the crew about her dad

Autumn P.O.V.
When we got back to the ship I want to the living room for a meeting

"Ok Autumn everyone is here you can started." Kanan said will sitting right beside Me to help me

"Ok when I ran off and Kanan came after me. We ran into Dark Vador so we fought and when he knocked off me and Kanan he said...join me........d....daughter ." When I was done I turned to Kanan and cried on his shoulder

"So are dad is Dark Vador?" Asked Cj and DD

"Y...yes." Was all I can say

They looked at me and I just keep on crying on Kanan and he did not move

Ezra want to Autumn

"Look you are not your dad and we still trust you ok?" He said

He lean in and kiss my head and I look up

Hera got up and hugged Autumn

"You are our daughter we still love you." Hera stayed

"You are our sister." Sabine,DD,Cj, and Zeb said

They hugged you and then feel asleep with your dad.

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