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No one P.O.V.
The new members Cj and DD

Autumn was happy

Ezra started to see Autumns other side

Cj started to prank Zeb

DD started to draw with Autumn and Sabine

Ezra started to like Cj for his prank

Cj and DD was able to help fixed the ship

They would also help Kanan with training

One day they where doing a mission when

Dark Vador came

Ezra,Kanan. And Autumn grab there lightsaber and charged at him

Vador has knock out Kanan and Ezra

Autumn was left to fight Vador

"Join me and we can rule the galaxy." Vador said

"No I will not . If my family alive I will die for them!" I yelled

Kanan and Ezra was waking up

I ran to him I was clouded with my family memories that I was able to get Vador three times before he got my side

It was a deep cut but I would not let the crew down

We fought and I was loosing blood and getting weaker

Vador knocked me to the ground

"Since you will not join me I will kill you." He said with his lightsaber about to hit me

"NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!" I heard someone said

Vador was knocked out

I looked up and saw Ezra

"Thank you." I said

I got up got my weapon and ran to the ship where everyone was

When we got to the ship Hera check everyone

I walk away to my room

I was in pain and bleeding from my cut from Vador

"Autumn open please." I heard Kanan said

I opened it

"Hey you ok you seem far away?" He ask

"Yeah ... never better." I said through pain

"Autumn are you hurt?" He asked

I could not hide it know

I left my shirt up to my stomach and he looked at my side

He gasp

"It was when he got you wasn't?" He said will touching it.

"Yes but I am ok." I let my shirt fall down

I tried to walk but I feel in Kanan hands

"I think you need fixed up before you walk." He said will carrying you to Med-bay

"Hera you got a person to check on." Kanan said

I looked at him and he smiled

"Thank you Dad." I said will Hera took me away to clean me up

Kanan was shocked but he smiled

Two hours later

Hera was finally able to fixed up Autumn

"Now go easy, ok?" Hera asked for the third time

"Yes now can I go?" I said

She said yes

I was trying to run but ran into Kanan

"Kanan can I train please Hera is driving me crazy?!" I asked

"Sure daughter." He said

You smiled and ran out with him behind you

Ezra was there and he hugged you

" Ow ow ow Ezra my side." I said through the pain

He looked at your side and gasp

" If we see him again I am going to kill him." Ezra said

You laugh and kiss him on the cheek

"Hey calm down lion." You said
His cheeks were red and you laugh

Cj and DD saw this and DD ran to Ezra and looked at him

Cj just want to him and said," You hurt her you get it."

DD said," Will you be are bigger brother if you merry Autumn?"

You blush bright red and you ran after both of them

"I told you to never do that you two!" You yelled

Me brother feel but you got him and tickled him till DD came to save him

Then I was getting tickled

Ezra watched and thought

"What if I merry her?" He asked to him self will watching them

Kanan just smiled

Star Wars Rebals:The new member Ezra X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now