chapter one

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I have being bored sitting around watching animes for days now. I really need to get a life I mumbled to myself.
I was about to head to the mini fridge in my dorm for a cold beer when someone knocked on the door. I uttered a loud groan as I dragged myself to the door.
As I peeped through the door I saw that it was my roommate Chelsea's best friend Jana. I roled my eyes and opened the door.
"Come on in" I said with a very sarcastic tone which her tiny brain could not pick up. "Hey girl why are sitting in here by yourself watching cartoons in a grey tank top and black pyjama short shorts, someone broke your heart" . she started fishing for gossip.
"No but someone broke my mood" I said lacing every word with venom. "Hey hey heey no need to get hostile just came to tell you that Chelsea says there is a pyjama party at the Carty Boy's house across the campus and you should come and take the edge off cuz it looks like you could use some strong vodka "she held up her hands as as sign of surrender. "you might wanna put on something much more dashy" she gestures to my clothes so I role my eyes and said "OK but am not changing".I sauntered over to my bedside table took out a brush and hair gel I rushed in the bathroom and paste my hair line and the front and back of my hair then brushed up my hair and caught it with an elastic band and left the big puff of hair.
I went back in the room took up my black leather jacket and ankle socks put them on with my black flip flops and grabbed my key. "Let's go" I said and rushed us out. Jana and I walked across the campus in silence when suddenly she broke it. "Can I ask u something" she pleaded. "If you must "I said feeling uneasy.
"You are brunette yet your caramel colored your hair is veery curly, and how comes when you get ready you never dress to impress or wear makeup but still while looking so simple you catch all the guys eyes?".
I laughed and said "that's two questions not one any ways my mom's a full brunette while my dad's a Jamaican and for your last question I really don't know or give a bull".
In no time we were at the house for the boy's. As Chelsea was about to knock I pushed the door wide open. Then glared at her and said "chick no one knocks at a party door". "Oh OK" she said and walked in and headed to the living room. I went to the kitchen and was about to raid the fridge for vodka, ice cream and cheese voltz when someone said "I saved them for you". I quickly recognized the voice to be Denephew's and so I turned around to see him I squealed and he picked me up and laughed.
"Hey baby girl what's going on with you, you look awesome" he complimented me as he spun me around. *How's the weather down there" I said giggling like a school girl. "Why don't you check it out" he said as he put me down. My heart was racing in hyper speed. That was because I could feel and smell his strawberry vodka breath on my forehead. I am so glad that I was short because even though I was looking at his luscious lips it looked as if I was looking up in his face. "D sweetie where are my snacks" I said smirking. "Talia it's in my pants" he said grinning. "Uh you freak$ I loudly whispered. Then the group of friends a few feet away looked around. I laughed "sorry sweetie did not realize it was so loud". "For your information babes I could have been talking about my pocket" he grinned. I retorted saying "but then again I know you all too well". "That you do and I you...but not enough" his hazel eyes pinned me to the wall as if I was caught red handed doing something wrong. "What do yyou mean" I stammered. In no time his head came down crashing his lips against mine....

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