chapter three

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I was shocked of my reaction because when he finished his statement I grabbed down his head and pushed my tongue between his parted lips and kissed him deeply. As soon as I realized I pulled away and he said "damn girl you taste freaking delicious". I started to blush." Do you feel that" he said.
"The rain stopped no wonder I stopped dancing" I said astonished.

"I was talking about the electrical chemistry between us.....yea and that too" He pointed out. I tugged at his t shirt. "What is this between us why are we suddenly having feelings for each other I mean I never gone crazy like this but I have ....with you uhh what's happening I thought that I was in love with Justin damn what are you doing to me d fix it.....after one more kiss" I smirked wlat him when I finished shouting.
He then grabbed my lips with his and he started his spell that sucked out every last drop of energy that I had left. Then his phone ran and I mumbled "you should get that" and he responded with a load groan as he bit my lip and licked at it. Damn does he want me to wet myself. He pulled away so fast I was fueled with fury because he ended it abruptly spitefully to leave me wanting more .
"Who was it?" I asked curiously walking closer to get a better view of the phone. "it's Trudy she said that she came at the sorioty house and did not find me and that I should get my ass there but am not going to because am here having the best time I ever had".
He lifted me from behind only then I realized he he had a Bonner and I sqealed and tried wiggling free. He then returned my feet to the ground and said "if you keep squealing and wiggling ama take you here do you want that to happen".

Only there I recognize the raw desire in it my brain was finally starting to process the Trudy thing and my mouth slip "are you and Trudy together" I waited for an answer for seconds now then he said "yes". I felt the urge to cry but I remained poker faced and said "oh well that means I won't have a thing do with you bye". I walked towards my Jacket and shrugged it on and slipped on my slipper and left him standing dumb found I looked back and saw a wet hot steamy mess but still walked on.
A few minutes later I reached the party someone said "shorty turn around its me Justin". I turned around so fast almost knocking him over. "Am so sorry" I felt so stupid and clumsy.

"Hey no worries would you like to go get some coffee" he said holding in the laugh. "why what's wrong" I said because he only propose we have coffee because he needs someone to talk to. "I just witnessed someone am in love with making out with one of my frat buddies" the way he answered with pain made me feel guilty.

"Let's go to my room" I walked him to my dorm and made the coffee. "So who is she?" a curious voice in my head forced me to ask I succumb. "She is a girl that is just like you but before I spoke to her she wasn't I can't believe she would give up on me now when I can't sleep without thinking of her".
"I guess she got tired" I mumbled "maybe that kiss was what changed her to realize that she had been missing out on everything for a veeery long time. I was a victim of her status before". "Really why did you give up?" he said his voice full of curiosity. "Well after the first kiss in the kitchen we went to the field reasoned, dance and kissed again then again and the last was the best all that happened with me. I realized there was no hope waiting for him so I tossed them both aside but I can't stop thinking of the kisses".
"Well what did he do wrong?" he asked again. "He ignored me like an ant and laughed at my stupidity he wasn't worth my love but now he is very decent and a good person I can tell because I know him better than anyone did because I knew his secrets and everything" I can't stop from rumbling.

He got up and said "thanks and laters" as he gave me chaste kissed my cheeks a usual as a brief good bye",. I felt nothing anymore when he does that. It's like he repulses me did he expect me to wait. I hate them both argh!!!! I slam the door and jump in bed .

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