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Before we start I'd like to make sure you know what my different shortened things mean.

Y/n = Your name. f/s = Your favorite show.

And anytime I use a new abbreviation (if you can call it that) I will add it up here. Enjoy.

"Y/n! Get your fucking shit together! We are going to Forks to live with your grandparents!" my mother shouts from downstairs. "Yes, ma'am!" I shout back already knowing better than to disobey or disrespect my drug addicted mother. "We're leaving tomorrow and if you're not ready, so help me!" she yells threateningly. "I will be ready, ma'am," I reply respectfully. "Better be," I hear her mutter as her voice gets farther away, probably going to get more drugs or something. Once her footsteps are far enough away, I slam my head into my pillow. "Damned bitch," I mutter careful not to be heard for fear of the consequences. If my grammar is wrong, or I disrespect her she will punish me. Harshly. I let out an upset sigh, and go to my closet throwing clothes in a suitcase. Knowing her, 'tomorrow' means around three or four in the morning. Once my clothes are in my suitcase, I drop to my knees in front of my closet pulling out a small jewelry box of bandages, alcohol pads, band-aids, and several razor blade and carefully set it on top of the clothes with another sad sigh. I then pick up a picture of my mother and I when I was 8. Before she got addicted to drugs. She started it when I was 13. When my dad died. "Shatter!" the sound pulls me out of my thoughts and startles me. "Y/n! Come clean this up!" she shouts, "Yes, ma'am," I reply, quickly exiting my room and going to the kitchen where the shattered cup and it's remains lie on the floor, glad that my mother has already left the room. I carefully pick the big pieces of glass up off the floor. I throw them away and grab a wash cloth to wipe away the milk and little pieces. This, as desired, gets rid of both the milk and little pieces. I take the, now dirty, wash cloth and put it in the dirty clothes, before going back to my bedroom. I close my door carefully, and go over to my dresser taking out my bras, underwear, and tank tops, I place them on top of my jewelry box. Feeling that this suitcase is full, I shut and zip it, placing it inside my duffle bag. Next, I go back over to where I set my picture, picking it back up and placing it into a smaller suitcase. I then pick up two more pictures, one of my sober mom, my dad, and I, the other of my dad and I posing in the same way my mom and I had. I smile slightly at this and set them on top of the other picture gently.In that same suitcase I place my laptop, xbox, and cords. I carefully stuff my headphones and phone into the pocket of my f/s themed jacket. I carefully zip that suitcase as well, and place it into the duffle bag. I close that part of my duffle bag and unzip the outer pockets. I put my hair brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, and other small items into the many different pockets. Next, I zip the pockets back up. Finally, I take my pillows, blankets, and duffle bag and put them in the backseat of her van. I then decide to just sleep in the backseat so she can leave whenever she desires.

Edward Cullen X Suicidal ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now