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Before we start I'd like to make sure you know what my different shortened things mean.

Y/n = Your name. Y/nn = Your nickname. Y/mn = Your mom's name. Y/an = Your aunt's name.

Y/un = Your uncle's name. Y/cn = Your cousin's name. F/s = Your favorite show.

he/she---him/her---his/her = select gender h/l = hair length h/c = hair color

Y/cnn = your cousin's nickname L/n = last name o/g = opposite gender (of the person you're speaking of not of you)

Bf/gf = pick which one based on the gender of the other person

C/bf-gf/n = cousins boyfriend or girlfriends name
And anytime I use a new abbreviation (if you can call it that) I will add it up here. Enjoy.


Y/n's POV (as normal)
I step into the small office. "Yes?" The secretary asks kindly. "Um, yeah, I'm new here," I reply quietly. "Ah, you must be Y/n L/n," she says. I nod. "Here's a map of the school, and here is your schedule," she says, handing me two papers. I smile kindly, "Thank you, ma'am," I say politely as I step back out of the office. I look around for Y/can and find him/her standing beside a o/g. I walk over to them. "Oh, Y/n! Hey this is my bf/gf, c/bf-gf/n!" C/n says excitedly. She/he just kinda looks at me, "c/bf-gf/n this is my cousin Y/n," he/she finishes. I smile kindly. She/he smiles back and nods their head curtly. "Let me see your schedule," c/n says. I hand him/her my schedule and watch his/her eyes skim over the page. "Well, your locker is right here, and we have 1st and 4th together, along with lunch. You have 2nd and 4th with c/bf-gf/n and lunch," he/she says. I nod, "Want to show me to 1st then?" I ask. He/she nods, and then the bell rings. He/she gives c/bf-gf/n a quick kiss and then we begin walking towards my doom. Also known as class. We enter and take seats in the back. After class we meet up with c/bf-gf/n and he/she shows me to our next class. "Which class is your third?" She/he asks me. I tell him/her and she/he nods, "Hey, Edward, can you do me a favor?" She/he whispers tapping someone in front of us on the shoulder. He looks tense as he turns to face us, "What?" He asks. "This is Y/n, Y/n this is Edward, could you show Y/n to her next class? It's the same as-" "Yeah whatever," Edward sounds angry as he turns back to face the front. "Don't mind him, he's not normally like that," c/bf-gf/n says. I nod, and take notes. As the bell rings, Edward is standing beside my desk before I can even register him standing up, "Hurry up, legs go, and try to keep up," he says picking up my stuff and handing it to me. I nod and he turns and starts walking away. I jog a little to catch up and then struggle to keep my pace fast enough to keep up with him. We reach another class and I thank him. The rest of the day goes by fairly well, but a little odd, as I notice Edward in most of my classes, and every time I'm around him, he seems to be tensed up and get angry and snappy. Oh well. On the drive home c/n asks me a bunch of questions about my first day.

A/N: omg I feel so accomplished getting that done XD so sorry it's short. But hey we met Edward! *-* beautiful senpai. I'm also so very sorry about not uploading this sooner!!! I am SUCH a procrastinator. I began writing this, and then got distracted by something another and then some stuff came up and I'm literally writing this at 6:30 in the morning about to crash, and haven't slept yet lol. Hope you enjoyed! And I'll try to get another one uploaded by like next Saturday!!! Key word try, lol.

Edward Cullen X Suicidal ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now