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Before we start I'd like to make sure you know what my different shortened things mean. 

Y/n = Your name.   Y/nn = Your nickname.   Y/mn = Your mom's name.   Y/an = Your aunt's name.

Y/un = Your uncle's name.    Y/cn = Your cousin's name.   F/s = Your favorite show.  

he/she---him/her---his/her = select gender.

And anytime I use a new abbreviation (if you can call it that) I will add it up here. Enjoy.


I am briefly awakened by the roar of the engine, and the movement of the van, but quickly go back to sleep.

*hours later*

"Y/n! Wake your ass up we're here!" My mother's obnoxious voice suddenly awakens me, "Yes ma'am," I say sleepily. I sit up slowly, and yawn slightly, looking outside to see it's still dark. I quickly grab my pillows, blankets, and duffle bag, getting out of the car, and walking up to my grandparents' house. It's beautiful really. The front, faces outwards to the lake. The back, being used more as a front, is where the driveway meets the house. There's a huge garage filled with various cars and trucks that, I assume, belong to my grandparents. The place is huge, and it's hard to believe that Grandma and Grandpa are the only two that live here. "Y/nn! Y/mn! So glad you could make it!" Grandma yells, coming out the door. Ah, good old Grandma, completely oblivious to the fact that mother's high all the time. "Grandma!" I reply as she pulls me into a tight embrace. "Oh my, how you've grown," she comments. I give a polite smile and head in the house as she walks over to my mom. Upon entering, I see my Aunt Y/an and Uncle Y/un along with my cousin(s). "Y/n!" They all scream as they see me. I smile, and nod politely, "Come on Y/n! I'll show you to your bedroom!" my cousin Y/cn says excitedly, as she/he grabs my arm, and drags me upstairs. I smile and let her/him. "This is my room. This is mom and dad's room. This is grandma and grandpa's room. Grandpa's study. Grandma's workout room. Aunt Y/mn's room. Finally, you're room. They offered this room to me, but I figured you'd prefer the windows, and large area," she/he winks, "I know how you like to escape sometimes." I smile at him/her, "Thank you Y/cn," I say, earnestly. She/he just smiles, and nods, "Well, I'll let you set up," he/she says. I nod, and he/she closes the door behind him/her. I take out my duffle bag, and start unpacking. The room really is beautiful. Located right above the living room, one wall is covered with windows that face out towards the lake. The floors and walls are all a clean, smooth wood. The roof above me, is slanted, making the side with my bed taller than the side where the door is. My mother comes in, and the redness from her high eyes is gone, as if she's sober again, but I'm still cautious about what to say, "Yes, ma'am?" I ask. She takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry, Y/n," and her voice sounds sincere for once, then goes back into a harsh tone, "Go to bed early tonight, you have school tomorrow," but she gives me a gentle hug before she leaves, closing the door back behind her. I stand there and blink a couple times, "Well, that was confusing," I think to myself, as I finish unpacking. 

Edward Cullen X Suicidal ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now