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Draco sat in his chair next to the window and looked outside. It was Christmas Eve, and the clouds in the sky and frost on the windows gave a promise of snow. Draco shook his head and growled, closing the blinds. Chesh came in, wearing one of Draco's old Christmas sweaters and drinking from a mug of hot cocoa. She took a sip and looked to Draco, who seemed to be seething with rage at this point.

"Hey," Chesh asked, "What's up?"

All Draco did was grunt in response. Chesh sat on the arm of his chair, taking another sip. She kissed his forehead, her cyan hair cascading over his face. He calms down, but only slightly. Chesh pulls away, looking at him. Draco stands up and starts to leave the room. Chesh watches him, surprised.

She said, "I've never seen anyone upset like you are on Christmas Eve..."

Draco made his way to his private study. When he got in, he locked the door behind him and went to his desk. He suddenly collapsed and burst into tears, remembering.

(Draco's Flashback)

"When I was about eight, I found a little three-year-old girl, an orphan like me. I called her Soro, short for the Latin word for sister. I helped her find food and started to truly believe she was my little sister. At night, she would cuddle up against me for warmth. I knew I had to protect her, no matter what the cost. We celebrated Christmas every year. I would save up some of the money given to me by begging. When I was thirteen and Soro was eight, I thought I would get her a really special present. We went to the town's toy store. I told her to wait outside while I got it, so she wouldn't see it until she opened it on Christmas morning. It began snowing as I went in. I got her a doll that I caught her looking at once before. After I paid for the doll and got it wrapped, I turned to leave the store with the gift. When i looked through the glass door, I saw a large man throwing Soro into the back of his van. I ran out to try and stop him, but he peeled out before I could even reach the door. When I finally got outside, he was already over the horizon, with my little sister in the back of his van. I fell to the ground, dropping the doll and burying my head in the snow, trying to wake up from that nightmare. I never woke up. I damned the snow that wouldn't let me wake up, and I damned that day. Christmas was the reason Soro was gone forever now..."

(Back to normal)

Chesh knocked on the door, saying, "Draco, you can talk to me about it."

He picked up his head and went to unlock the door. Chesh came in and sat up on Draco's desk. Draco sat in an armchair and looked at her. She grinned her Cheshire grin and approached him, her tail wagging.

"Draco," Chesh said, "I know something bad happened to me when you were a kid, I've been there. You can't let your past decide your entire life. The present becomes the past, and if you do nothing, then nothing's going to change for the better."

She takes Draco by the hands. He smiles and stands up. He hugs her.

"That," Draco said, "That was so profound. Where did that come from?"

She smiled, saying, "I've been watching a ton of cheesy Christmas movies, c'mon."

She pulled me downstairs and we watched Christmas movies until midnight, when we fell asleep.

Eventually, morning came. When Draco woke up, Chesh was sleeping on his chest. He smiled and laid there, waiting for her to wake up. Her eyes opened a few minutes later.

"Good morning," she said, smiling at Draco.

"Good morning," he said in response, "Merry Christmas...."

"Merry Christmas,"

They kissed for a few minutes, eventually getting up to go eat breakfast. However, upon opening the bedroom door, both Draco and Chesh were caught off guard by a bright light. Somehow, somebody set up a massive Christmas tree in the main room of the mansion while they were asleep. They noticed that there was a vast array of wrapped gifts under and around the tree. On the railing at the bottom of the stairs, Draco found a note. Chesh continued to open her presents.

The note read: "Dear Draco, We hope you enjoy the gifts, and have a Merry Christmas. Signed, A Friend."

"Draco," Chesh said.

Draco looked up to see Chesh holding something. It's a pregnancy test with a small piece of paper on it.

It faintly reads: "We tested it using a sample of Chesh's urine."

Draco looked at the pregnancy test, and his eyes widened in shock...

It read positive...


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