Forced To Buy A Vampire Slave- Chapter 64-

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"Wait, what?" Drake muttered, keeping his voice at a low level as he glanced around the plane.

I nodded.

"He's a demon? Demon's are real?"

Once again, I nodded.

"Holy shit." He breathed. "So, like, he put you under a curse so he could control you and make you think that you were in love with him..., right?"

Another nod.

I gripped Corey's hand tightly, my eyes scanning the passenger's around us, making sure no one was hearing this.

"For what purpose exactly? Besides he's evil."

Corey spoke then, leaning over a bit to look at Drake from my right side. "My guess is because she's Queen. He was going to use her to control the country."

"Shit," Drake cursed. "Guess you're pretty damn lucky you figured it now, huh?"

Corey nodded. "Yeah," He agreed scathingly.

"Bells, how come you didn't tell mom and dad? Just leave 'em in New York, oblivious. Like fuck 'em."

I shook my head just a bit. "It's not like that. I just didn't want to involve them, they complicate things. Besides, Corey and I have it under control. Or," I paused. "More like Corey has it under control."

"Dude," Drake looked at Corey, leaning up from his seat. "You need to be King. You could fuckin' rock at that job. You're perfect."

Corey looked at him with surprise at first but then disbelief. "How so?"

"You're smart, you're good at planning, you're amazing under stress...the list goes on. You have the qualities to make a good leader. Really, you do."

"Except for the fact he hates people." I added.

"Well, if you ever were to get over'd really be perfect."

Corey glanced out the window, looking thoughtful.

When we got off the plane we met Corey's family at the airport.

I was going back to their house with them and Corey was going with Drake back to the castle.

"So, I'll see you in a little bit." Corey said, his eyes on mine as we said goodbye before parting.

I nodded.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled lightly.

We kissed and when we pulled away I noticed he looked anxious.

"You okay?" I inquired.

"Yeah, just..." He exhaled heavily. "I just don't like leaving you."

Giving an encouraging smile I said; "Well, I'll see you soon."

He nodded. "I know."

He gave me another kiss and I smiled at him. "This was your idea."

"I know and it was good a one. This is necessary."


Drake came up to us, a cigarette smoking between his fingers. "Come on, man. The sooner you leave her the sooner you get to see her again."

Corey nodded, still looking at me. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Drake pulled him away. "fuckin' love birds..." He muttered, slinging his arm around Corey's shoulder and dragging him away with Corey looking back at me.

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