Forced to buy a vampire slave -chapter 44-

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Chapter 44:

As I was sitting in the main room, I heard a knock on the door.

I lifted my head up, glancing at the front door briefly before getting up and answering it.

William stood on the other side of the door, a cigarette in his mouth.

He smiled. "Hello, love."

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well it's the day of your wedding; I came to wish you a happy day."

I looked at him doubtfully."Really?"

"Well no but-"

"Go away, William." I said.

"What's the matter? Not so happy about the mistake you're getting ready to make?"

I sighed, getting tired of having to say this. "We're not getting married."

"Oh? Was it postponed?"

"Yeah, forever."

His eyebrows rose. "Trouble in paradise?"

I rolled my eyes and slammed the door shut.

As I was turning away there was another knock on the door.

I groaned and opened the door again.

"Are you going to explain to me what happened?" William asked, walking past me into the house.

I closed the door and turned to him, his eyes scanning the place. "Why should I?" I questioned.

He looked at me. "You might as well, I'm already here."

"But I don't want you here."

"You let me in."

"I didn't let you in," I protested. "-you came in."

He shrugged in his long leather jacket. "Same thing."

"Not really,"

"I'm starting to get the feeling you don't like me, love." He stated.

"I don't. Don't take it personally though; I'm kind of in a bad mood."

"Why's that?"

I sighed. "...Corey broke up with me."

He looked at me seriously. "When did this happen?"

"About twenty minutes ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry, love. I'll go then, I didn't mean to upset you." He walked towards the door.

"You didn't. I mean, I was already upset, it wasn't you." I paused. "I'm sorry-for being kind of rude to you. It's just we didn't really get off to a good start in the first place with you wanting to kill my fiance'- ex...fiance'."

He nodded. "At least you won't have to worry about that now. I don't need to kill him if you're not getting married. Though I would do it anyway, but I don't want to upset you anymore."

"I don't know if I'd care as much anymore."

"Well if you ever want revenge, pet just tell me and I can take care of him for you." He smiled.

I laughed. "You're joking, right?"

He shrugged. "If you want me to be."

"Wait, how did you get-I mean the suns out."

"I ran. To the porch. Good thing it has a roof." He explained.

I heard footsteps approaching so I turned to see my Dad walking in the room.

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