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Not edited xx
ps. the picture is perfectly symbolize selena as a dragon when she's raging. I can't really find a good quality of this picture so yeah.

Jack's POV

I look behind and saw a pair of big yellow cat eyes. It was really dark and all I see is this eyes staring at me with only 5 inch of air that seperate me from this animal. Heck I'm not even sure if it's an animal. What kind of animal has that eyes that big? It was probably lemon size of eyes.

Knowing how big it's eyes are, I know this is not a small animal. I was scared to death. None of us dare to move a mucle. The creature open it's mouth groaning in a low tone and I can see it's fangs and sharp teeth clearly almost as if it has a bulb in it's mouth. My eyes widen seeing that and I know Calvin ain't good either over there.

I don't know what have I done so wrong in life that those pricks in the tree accidentally broke a branch from the tree making a loud noise and the creature went raging. It roar as loud as possible and I hear it as if it was familiar. It's eyes turn into white immidiatelly.

It was the roar we all hear every night and all of us thought it was thunders noise. It suddenly fly up there and look down. As all of us still freeze looking at it I got a good look of the animal. It has two of 4 metres wings, long tail and a thick black color. It was almost as if it was a dragon. I was about to shit myself forreal.

Out of nowhere it spit out lightning from up there towards us. We all jump and run as fast as possible not thinking anything anymore.

I run and run and run not even caring where my feet take me until like it's about 5 minutes I slow down and stop. Gasping for air, I sit down a bit.

I think that creature lost me. Now let's see the other side. I'm lost. But thankfully after I walk a couple minutes, I found my and Calvin's motorcycles.

I took my motorcycle and drove back inside the woods to find them with the lightning voices still hard and clear. About a minute later I finally found them with the creature still raging. There's blood everywhere and it was from the creature I guess.

"CALVIN WATCH OUT!!!!!!" Brandon shout as the creature shot a lightning right on Calvin but luckily he flinch quickly making it hit a tree and the tree turn to ashes. I don't think this creature will stop before it kill all of us. I need to find a way.

Selena's POV

Dammit It didn't hit the guy. They all start running around as I try to shot the lightning at them with all the strengh I have left. Hey I tell you my shot never miss before. I was about to sleep peacefully when like these 3 humans 'accidentally' step on my tail hard. And of course, I yelp in shock and one of them actually shot my shoulder. It hurt so bad, like someone stab a knife on you. I was so furious, no I AM furious. Yeah pft, no shit sherlock I'm killing these people.

Like I said before, I never miss a shot before but with a bleeding neck, it's hard to focus at moving targets. I bluntly shot the lightning everywhere and they keep shouting and try to take me down as my head start to get heavier and heavier caused by all of the blood lost.

Should I turn into human? So they will stop maybe? But it's been years since I am a human physically. It reminds me of my horrible past when I turn into a human.

I tried to shot one last time and it hit a big branch of tree. The branch fell down hitting one of them of the foot as I hear screaming everywhere. Second later, everything turn black.

Jack's POV

Before I can make a move the creature try to shot a lightning at Brandon but it miss, Thank God. The lightning hit the tree and one of the big branch break and fall down right on Dylan. The branch trap one of his foot making him unable to run. He went panic but we all soon realize the creature is laying there unconcious. It must passed out because the blood lose and from chasing us.

Calvin and me both try to push the brach off and finally he can pull his leg over. "There's no time to rest we have to go back before the creature wake up." Jordan said.

"Wait I think it's dying. We can't just leave it here like this. I've spent years thinking of what make those noise at night and now that I found a dragon looking creature I am not just gonna let it go like that. And anyway, we're the one who shot it and we are the caused of all of this mess, shouldn't we at least take a little responsible?" Brandon said arguing.

"I don't think it's evil.. I think it just, scared." He said again making me and Calvin look at each other. "Well, fine but how are we gonna help it. We didn't even know what kind of creature is that." I said. Suddenly the creature start waking up making all of us step back. It try to look up at us and Calvin hold up his gun towards it's face just in case.

What shocks us is that the creature whimpers and back away with pain writen all over it's face. I feel so bad all the sudden. Like it was probably enjoying it's night and we all came here and want to kill it. not thinking anything I walk towards the creature and crounching down to it's level.

"Hey are you okay? We are really sorry. We didn't mean to do that to you." I said and surprisingly it actually nodded. It understand what we are talking about? Ok that's not the point right now. Now that we are in a saver mode I decided not to make any wrong move and make this creature angry again. Jordan then took an apple and slowly and carefully give it to the creature, "uh, I-I'm sorry I shot you earlier.." he said making that two yellow eyes glares sharply and hiss a little at him but take the apple anyway.

Calvin then pat my shoulder and said, "Hey me and Dylan gonna went back and take some bandaids and medicine.. you all wait here." We all nodded.

Finally they both went away and all that's left are me, Jordan, Brandon and this creature. "Hey, can you understand what we're talking about?" I hear Brandon said to the creature quietly and it nodded. "Hey do you know every night I always listen to your roar voice from my house and I always wonder what it is! I am really sorry we hurt you we didn't mean to." Brandon said smiling warmly to it.

He try to pat it's head, at first it tried to pull away from his hand but it has no energy so the creature just laid there as Brandon calming it with patting it's head. It release a little whimper. Brandon then look at me and motion mr to move there. I slowly walk there not sure if I should. "Uh.. hi" I said to it and it turn it's head and look at me deeply.

"Can you understand me?" I ask a bit nervous but it didn't answer anything. It just keep looking at me a bit scared. "Go, pat it's head." Brandon said.

Brandon is always good with animals so I think it's really helping in time like this. I carefully place my hand on it's head and rub it slowly as I see it gets comfort under my hand. "Are you a dragon?" I said suddenly out of nowhere.

Well this creature does look like a dragon a lot but I thought dragon isn't real. It nod it's head. Sorry for the 'it' expression. I don't know if it is a male or female.

About 15 minutes later, A loud motorcycle noise came through as it whimper trying to stand up and run away but Brandon calm it down.

Calvin and Dylan finally get off the motorcycle holding the first aid kit. Brandon took some rbbing alhcohol and bandaids. He pour down the alhcohol and quickly wrap the bandaids around it's shoulder. It took like 13 pack of large bandaids. Thank God Calvin figure it out so he did't bring only one pack. He brought like 25 of them.

"There. All nice and good." Brandon said cleaning the bandaids. The dragon make a little 'growl' like it's thanking us. "Hey, are we gonna meet again? I wanna be your friend.." Brandon said. Damn he's smooth.

The dragon then look at him and growl in a nice tone which I have no Idea what it means but since it doesn't look mad, I'm good.

I pat it one last time and we all finally drove back to our house. Yep. There will be a lot of explaining to do once we get home.


Chapter 3 woohoo!!

Do you guys think they will cross path again? Or is it over?

I've been trying to input sound on the story I heard you can do that with soundcloud :D

Don't forget to comment and vote! Ly.

Much love,

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