Harry Styles

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Harry and I were antagonists. Though we didn't beat the crap out of each other, but we couldn't bear looking at each others faces. Standing in the same room for us was intolerable. But concede the unfortunities of life, we lived in the same block. Not neighbours exactly, because we had colossal mansions, but in the same street.

*  *  *

I was heading back home from a party in my blithest mood. I got into the lift to go to the parking, where my car was. There was only one more guy beside me in the lift, who didn't look like the attendant but the curly hair that cascaded his face, because he was looking down on his mobile screen, disabled me from knowing who it might be. 

And I was a bit preoccupied to care.

I saw the level 0, that is the parking, button was already clicked. He could possibly be going there too.

I stole a glance at the guy, who chose the exact moment to do the same, and the instant our gazes met, I kind of forgot how to breathe. Because the person standing right next to me, was one other than Harry Styles.

I gritted my teeth, and he passed me a glare.

Now all I wanted to do was get out of this lift, so as I prepared to make it halt; it did so by itself and the lights went off.

Now, I was stuck in a goddamn lift with none other than Harry Styles.

Wow, luck has been its best to me.

But then something that I never expected, just happened.

'Scarlett?' Harry called.

'Yeah?' I asked in an annoyed tone.

'Why do we detest each other?'

This is something, even I don't have an answer to. We just....just don't wanna see each other's faces!

'I don't really...know.' My answer held sincerity.

'Neither do I.' he stated. 'But, I want to confess something. I don't loathe you Scarlett. To be true, I actually kind of.....like you?'

His last words came out as more of a question than a statement, but surprised me nonetheless.

'What?' I choked, astonishment clear in my words.

'Don't deny you don't like me back now.' I could sense his smirk in the dim torchlight of my phone.

'I what?' I thought about what he just said. Did I like him? 


That's exactly why I hate him- he's a flirty, cheeky, air- head.

'No Harry,' I said firmly, 'You're assuming incorrect conclusions. I don't like you! And that's why I hated you- you're such a selfish, flirty jerk at times! You're eve-'

I didn't get to complete my sentence as his luscious lips pressed against mine, sending a sudden rush of adrenaline through my body. His hand rested on my waist, pushing me closer into him.

 Even though, a part of me told me to pull away and slap him hard, it took all I had to go against it ad live in the moment.

And I can't abjure, that I actually felt like fireworks and butterflies in my stomach. But the question is- is it customary to feel like this while kissing someone who don't like? 

I guess not.

Maybe I do like Harry?

So many questions were framing in my mind when suddenly pulled away, breathing heavily. 

'Now you can't lie.' he said. 'If you didn't like me, you'd never kiss me back, and your hands, they wouln't tangle in my hair on their own, would they?'

Freakin' hell! I never realized when I did that!  

I immediately pulled them back and looked at the floor, that now seemed to be pulled downwards now, since the electricity was probably back; to avoid him from seeing all the blood rushing o my face.

'You look cute when you blush.' He winked at me when I looked at him.

'Harry, you looser!' I beamed at him, and pulled him by his collar for another session of what we just did a few seconds ago.

My mind was so astounded, that I didn't realize when we reached the parking level. 

We were so absorbed in our little moment together when suddenly the lift doors pulled apart and the attendant came in announcing 'Sorry for the inconvenience caused,' then he looked at us and said 'Erm...sorry, wrong timing!'

I quickly pulled back embarrassed and Harry looked like he just won lottery.

'Stop grinning like a fool Harry!' I commanded,  'He just saw us....kissing!' and blood rushed to my face all again.

All of a sudden, he slid one arm behind my back and the other under my knees, and picked me up, despite my begging to put me down.

'Let the world now know, for all I care' He winked.


Author's Note:

Yayy!! I FINALLY wrote the Harry one!!! :D

Now, I expect no stupid, silly, pointless comment from my friends. You can comment other things- like you like it or not. Or whatever else that DOES NOT concern ME with this part. Now, I've wriiten another Harry imagine, but feel just too lazy to upload. 

Afterall, in two days, I'll be back to hell- school. >_< 

But lemme know how you find this imagine. :D

And for the first time I ask - Vote please?

ILY! :*

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