Liam Payne

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It was late on a chilly December night and I was walking down a dark alley, eager to reach back home from a party. The short dress I was sporting was no help to my shivering. Suddenly, I here some voices.

'Hey sexy lady, wanna join me in my house tonight?' A tall, dark figure slurred. Their obnoxious laughing and rambling worked as evidence that they were drunk. It was hard to see them in the dark, but they were peculiarly audible. I increased my pace, but so did they.

In a few seconds, without realizing, I started running; but they obviously being faster than me sprinted up soon.

One of the old drunkards caught my wrist and spun me around. Another one started stroking my face, making me feel disgusted. I tried with all my will to break free but his grip was hard.

'Please, let me go!' I said pathetically as tears flowed down my face.

'Sure babe, as soon as were done having some fun with ya' Said one of them, making me feel repugnant.

I bit his hand and took my chance to run away as he shrieked in pain. They started chasing behind me again but all of a sudden, I banged into something hard and almost fell, but something strong caught me by the waist and helped me up.

'Please, let me go' I cried harder.

'But...but, I? he stammered.

'There you are bitch!' A voice came from somewhere behind. 'Come back here!'

I cried even louder and the person against whom I banged held my arms and said, 'Get behind me.'

I obediently obliged.

'Touch her and I'll kill you.' he threatened.

His accent sounded exceedingly familiar.

'Get outta this kid. Go find someone else, this one is out capture.'

My protector punched him flat on the nose and all the men got involved punching session.

Suddenly, he took my hand and yelled 'RUN!' while tugging at my arm frantically. In the dim light at the end of the road, where we paused to catch our breaths, I conceived that the one who saved me, was none other Liam Payne - my secret crush.

His nose was bleeding and there were many scratches on his arms and even on his forehead.

The sight brought tears to my eyes all again.

'Hey' he said in a calming tone. 'Don't cry! They've gone now, and I bet they wont dare to bother you again.'

'Thats not the issue.' I said. 'You got hurt because of me!'

He wiped my tears with his thumb and embraced me in a hug and his action told me what he wanted to convey. Its true when they say, actions speak louder than words.

I looked up to him in the eyes and pleaded 'Come to my house please? Its just about a few minutes walk, and I can help you with the wounds.' My puppy-dog eyes worked and he agreed.

*   *   *


'Hey!' I scolded. 'Let me clean it at least!'

'But it hurts!'

'Quit whining like a kid!' I continued scolding while he pouted.  'Aww! stop making that face, it so distracting!'

 'Thats all the purpose babe!' He winked. 'Woah, I don't even know your name! Share with me, won't you?'

'I'm Evelyn. Evelyn Rosenfeld.' I blushed. Suddenly, I wasn't quite fond of my name.

'What a pretty name for a pretty young lady!'

Seriously? I was flattered!

'And I'm Liam. Liam Payne.'

'Of course I know you!' I said a little too overwhelmed but gave a cheeky smile to cover up that excitement.

'You sound like a 14 year old with a massive crush!'

'Thats 'cause you are my massive crush!' 


I didin't just say that! 

Shutting my eyes might've helped but the cocky grin on his face didn't even let me think about hiding in a pit for eternity. The way his eyes gleamed with mischief, it was so amusing.

'Y-You're really beautiful.'



I was on cloud nine due to the fact that I made Liam Payne blush but he pulled a strand of my hair behind my ear making me snap out of my little moment in the clouds.

I couldn't help but notice how he was scooting closer to me with each second, our proximity decreasing.

Without any warning, the next second, his lips were on mine though I was too stunned to even process what was going, by reflex, I suppose, my body stated mirroring his actions as our lips moved in perfect synchronisation.

We pulled back, gasping for breath, with tomato-like faces.

'Would you, umm??' he hesitated, then, in the blink of an eye, he asked 'Wouldyougooutwithmetomorrow?'

'What?!' I couldn't really comprehend his sudden verbal attack.

'Would-you-go-out-with-me-tomorrow?' This time, it was more clearly said with an emphasis on each word and a very hopeful set of eyes piercing right through me.

'YES!' I jumped like a crazy girl. 'Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!!!'

This was just the best time of my life!


Author's Note:'s the first one! I hope you like it so far. I know the plot might be a little common now, but it still takes effort to make it read-worthy! This is dedicated my best friend Tuhina who has a huggeeee crush on Liam, but thinks were silly enough to not get it. :P ;)

Please let me know how crappy you think it is.....I will upload a cover soon (once I get my lazy ass to work) Gute Nacht, my lovies!

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