Louis Tomlinson

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'LOUIS!' I screamed as I enter the house and see him making out on the couch with some Blond bimbo.

'Oh, Lizzie? Meet Marian; Marian, this is Lizzie.' He gestures to me casually, as if they weren't caught kissing a moment ago.

'And she is your?' Asked Marian in an irritably high-pitched voice.

'Umm,' Louis thought before answering 'My ex-gi'

The rest of his words drowned with my consciousness, as darkness started overtaking my senses.

*    *    *

I woke up, probably next morning to see my best friend Hazelle sitting next to me. On trying to sit up, my head started spinning again.

'Lizzie!' she said sweetly. 'Lay down sweetie, you're not in your best of conditions.'

On looking around, I realized I was in the hospital.

'What h-happened?' I inquired.

Hazelle sighed, as a look of grief aroused on her face.

'You fainted day before yesterday. You've been out for a whole 24 hours.'

Realization hit me, and the memories of that evening came flooding back.

'Where's Louis?' my voice cracked.

Again, a look of solicitude took over her face as she said 'Wait, I'll call him.'

About a minute later, Louis came in, hand in hand with Marian; which made me sick. I wanted to wallop her pretty little Barbie face. 'Cause no denying, I could never compete her in looks. She had perfect honey blond hair, deep blue eyes, and an envious body. I could see what Louis saw in her, but what about all that we shared?

What about all the promises he made to me? 

The memories of us?

Our times of-

A voice intruded my inner turmoil.

'How are you baby?' Asked Louis with fake concern which ripped my heart.

'Don't call me all that.' I was astounded at the power and anger my voice possessed at the moment, even though internally I felt like an emotional wreck.

'Lizzie,' he said firmly. 'Lets not make it more complicated.'

I knew what he meant be that, and my eyes weren't helping me at all by dislodging all the tears.

'I want to break up with y-'


*   *  *

I shouted using all the air in my lungs and bolted upright from the bed; then burst out crying.


I looked beside me to see Louis supporting his body with his elbows below him, and looking at me with concern. The sight of him shirtless, with tousled hair made blood rush to my cheeks.

'What is it baby?'

I sighed with relief that it wasn't for real.

'Louis!' I jumped over him like a desperate woman and hugged him tightly.

'Nothing much,' I said. 'Just a horrifying d-dream.'

'I dreamt, th-that you ditched m-me for a blond bimbo.'

A tear trickled down my eye as I said those words.

Louis sat up straight, cupped my face with his palms, looked at at me dead in the eye and said, 'I love you Lizzie, and will continue to till my last breath. You have no reasons to worry. You are the most flawless and charming girl I've known in my entire life.'

And I, was speechless.

'Lou, you sent me to cloud 9.' was all I could say in my awe-struck situation. 

His expression softened from serious to mischievous.

'By the way, was that chick hot?' 

I could see his naughty smirk.

'Louis?!' I hit him with a pillow.

'Come here you!' he grabbed me and placed a firm kiss on my lips.

'Now get back under the sheets!' he winked. 'I'm getting cold!'


Author's Note

Okay, you don't know me, and I don't know you. 

I really don't know what's happening to me! I've always been the one who finds all this kissing stuff real gross, and here, look I've written about it twice! All these damn romance novels are getting too deep into my head. I can't even talk about it.  Its so damn awkward! 

Okay, over with my rambling.

Wattpad is so freaking annoying!! >_< Its not letting me add a cast! It only lets three be there. 

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