Request Imagines #1

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Mannat, this one's for you. :D

(Mannat Mitra as Sienna)

'Listen to me please'. Said Harry. He was obviously trying to contain his anger.

'No Harry, there's nothing to talk about!' I screamed and struted down the stairs to reach the main door.

'Fine then, go away!' He screamed back and I shut the door hard. 

The rain was mercilessly pouring.

'Lovely.' I announced.

So, I had no place to go, no car, no money, and terrible weather on my side. 

Things could only get better.

An hour of walking later, I reached my friend's house. I moved in a couple of months age with Harry from America, so I had no relatives or close friends in my vicinity. Just a month old college friend who lived on the opposite side of the town.

I could have called her to ask to pick me up, since she didn't have a boyfriend to pick and drop everywhere, but a car of her own; but my phone was dripping with water (thanks to the rain) and I wasn't exactly braced with rain gear when I angrily stormed out.

Now I drenched, exhausted and still very, very angry.

Stormy- my new friend opened the door on the third ring which made me more impatient but atleast she hugged me tight even when I looked like I was carrying pool-filling worthy water in my clothes.

'Sienna, what happened?' She asked.

'Uh, just another..' 

She didn't let me complete though. 'Let me guess, another fight?'

'Well, you said it.' I told her in a hushed tone.

'Aww, come on sweetie, let's get you warmed up before you catch pneumonia.' She took my hand and lead me to what looked like a guest room. 

'I'm guessing you're here for the night?' She inquired.

'If it's not a problem?' I asked right back.

'Of course not!' She exclaimed. 'How about you go take a warm shower and I'll get you some fresh clothes? The towel is right there in that closet and I'll leave you my clothes on the bed.'

'Sounds good to me. Thanks.' I smiled and she smiled back.


When I'd come out of shower and seen the clothes Stormy laid out for me, the first thought to strike my mind was, 'How will this ever fit me?' She was short, cute and angellic. So were her clothes. Her Knee length skirt managed to become my mini. Her shirt was like a crop top for me.

I was a part-time model. You have to give me some height credit here.

But she had a cute fashion sense and it managed to make me look cute too-which was a rare trait in me. Models are expected to be hot or sexy.

When I went out to the kitchen, she was waiting for me with a cup of hot chocolate which smelled dilicious and a pancake.

'Wow, is that for dinner?' I asked.

'I can cook you more if you want.' She said.

'Oh no, I don't think that'd be nececcary. I really appreciate your help.'

'You wanna talk about it?' 

'I don't know.' I said. 'I feel clueless.'

'It's alright. You can stay here for as long as you want.' She smiled.

'Are you sure about that?'

'Of course I am! Plus, I could use some company.' 


The next day I woke up fresh, with no memories of the past day's events. I walked into the bathroom to brush, but on realizing I didn't have one, I walked out to ask Stormy if she had an extra one. 

The sight on the dining table however shocked me. Harry was seated with his back facing to me, talking to Stormy. 

That's when she looked up.

'Oh hey Sienna. Good morning!' She greeted. 'Come sit.'

Harry turned his head and instantly I felt a pang of desire in chest. 

I sat down next to Stormy, refusing to look up to him. 

'I'm sorry Sienna.' He said. 'You were right.'

'I told you so.' I simply said.

'Right about?' Stormy asked?

I looked at Harry to answer. Truthfully, I had forgotten what we were fighting about.

'I....don't know.' He said.

'What?' Stormy looked confused.

'Me neither. What were we talking about anyway, before we started fighting?' I asked.

'So you guys were fighting over something so insignificant that you don't even remember?!' Stormy looked between us.

Harry and I looked at each other sheepishly. 

'Oh Holy Jesus! Help these people.' She dramatically exclaimed.

'So?' I said.

'So?' Harry asked.

'Are you, um, coming back with me again?' He looked nervous.

'If you want.' I conditioned.

'Of course I do!' He nodded like a little kid.


Stormy didn't want any PDA in her house. So the moment we reached in the car, Harry and I hungrily grabbed each other's faces.

Maybe we can't stay away for long. Even after silly little fights.

Author's Note

This is a requested imagine for my friend Mannat. Hope you like it :)

If anyone else wants a requested imagine, leave your name, username and the boy you want it with in a comment. Also tell me if you want me to use your own name and not a different one. :)

Love, Sifat <3

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