O N E: The Scream

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NOTE: Photos are here to help you get a feel for the setting of the story.

***TY'S POV***

"What's going on?!"

I glance around me at the ruins of the town square, the chaos ensuing around me.

"Ty, what do we do?!"

People need my help, and here I stand, useless.

"What is that thing?!"

The unknown beast knocks down a building, and rubble collapses onto the nearby street, taking many lives with it.


The creature of unknown origin is destroying the foundation of our town faster than I can think to stop it. I've got to fight this thing, I think. Its the only way. With an iron sword in hand I charge at nothing, wondering if my effort is futile.

Suddenly, a scream of sheer terror fills the city, drowning out everything else, and I lose my focus. I look for the source of the screaming, hoping it will stop soon, but I can't see where the scream is coming from, and it shows no sign up letting up.

A flash of black fills my field of vision, and all I can see is a pair of vibrant purple eyes before pain sears through my body and I black out.

***SKY'S POV***

I'm relaxing on the couch watching TV and cleaning off one of my swords when I hear the scream.


Today is going to be one of my few days off. Being the leader of the Sky Army isn't easy after all. I love my job, constantly being in battle is fun, I enjoy it. Getting a day off, however, is even better. Just my luck, someone decides to scream at something undoubtedly trivial just loudly enough to snag my attention and ruin my afternoon. I halfheartedly lift up the sword I've been polishing and make my way outside.

If this is a prank I swear to Notch...

The scream comes again, this time splitting the air with complete horror. I'm worried now. The scream appears to be coming from a nearby cave. I hurry towards it without a second thought. At the cave's entrance, where I stand, the scream comes again.

I ponder what kind of mining mishap might yield such tortured screeches, and so press deeper into the cave. I follow the sound until eventually I come to an old wooden door.

How could this be? I wonder. I've searched every inch of this place, this has never been here before!

The screams cease in a rather ominously rushed fashion. I push open the door, eager to know what's inside. The room is completely empty, with the exception of a double chest in the room's center. Curious, I walk to the chest and open it. A red glow erupts from inside, and I shield my eyes with one hand, reaching into the chest with the other.

Is this what I think it is? I wonder.

My hand hits something smooth. I pull the gemstone from the chest and examine it.

A Flame Jewel. I didn't know they were real.

Flame Jewels are the stuff of legend. Each Flame Jewel is said to be created by a legendary mob, and one is even said to come from Notch himself. The Flame Jewels are said to be filled with the aura of the person who created it, and those who find one will be filled with their aura, their power.

If a Flame Jewel is ever found it's best to leave it alone, but I'm far too curious. The gem is perfectly circular and producing heat from its core. The heat of the Jewel fills me up and the urge to discover who's aura is trapped inside is too strong. I pop the purple gem out of my amulet and place the Flame Jewel into it.

Suddenly, a beam of light shoots forward from the Jewel's core. I back up on instinct.

This is bad, Sky. You really did it now.

My eyes widen as I realize who's aura I'm absorbing. It's too late, however, and as I struggle to remove the gem from my amulet, I black out.


I've got a day off today, which is a rare occurrence when you're 3rd in command of the Sky Army. Ty is in charge today, so I'm not worried. Today is absolutely stellar in most every way. The sun shines down into my bedroom, warming me up as I pull on a black t-shirt and some jeans. I consider looking in the mirror to check my hair, but decide against it, not wanting to ruin what is the beginning of an excellent day.

I hear Dillon - my pet bat - chirping from downstairs. He never normally does that, so I hurry downstairs to check on him.

"Oh my Notch..." I say to myself, noting what had Dillon so flustered.

I react quickly, grabbing a bow and some arrows and rushing outside.

"It's the Ender Dragon! Everyone run!" I yell to no one. I live on the outskirts of town, where everyone has large properties. No one can hear me.

It's heading for the city. I've got to warn Ty.

Rushing back into the house, I quickly don my suit and set off towards SkyBase HQ, where the Sky Army does it's work. I've walked there a million times, but I keep getting turned around for some unknown reason. A frustrated half hour later I still haven't been able to find the base and turn around to head home. More confused walking ensues, and I end up somewhere else. Somewhere I've never been before.

In the name of Notch... Where am I?

I'm standing on the edge of a cliff near a valley. The view is beautiful, but I don't have time to sit and watch the day go by, as I've got to tell Ty about the dragon. I curse myself for not being able to warn anyone and sit down on the edge of the cliff to take off my helmet. I remember why I wear this helmet now, angrily pushing the thought away, placing the helmet back on my head.

I need to stop running from my past... I think. But not yet. Not today.

The scream pulls me away from my thoughts.

Its a horrible, earsplitting sound full of fear and agony, and as soon as I hear it I know that it will haunt my nightmares for the rest of my life. I try to cover my ears, but the helmet gets in the way. I stand, wanting to run from the scream. I turn from the cliff's edge to go home but an invisible force holds me still.

What the Hell?

And then, with the scream still filling my ears and haunting my thoughts, I fall.


Remember, every time you vote, an ole gets a sombrero, and every time you comment, an annoying light stops flickering. So take the time to make the world a flickering lightbulb free place today! See you later my wonderful rhombuses!

Stay Classy,



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