S I X: Aftermath

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Admittedly, this chapter is kinda an epilogue.


In the days that follow, the townspeople and the Sky Army recruits sonstruct a statue of Seto for his immense contribution to the city during his long life. Deadlox returns to NightShroud's cave, and the Ender Dragon keeps his word. Ty returns to his human state, with the exception of his eyes. They remain that same Endish purple.

Sky is another story. He's killed five of his friends, plus almost killing Jason and causing Seto to exhaust his magical energy. Because of this, a meeting was recently held to decide his fate. Sky plead guilty on all charges against him, as he did technically kill his friends, but the jury ended up ruling that Sky was innocent because - in their eyes - he did not kill those people, Skybrine did. He's still distraught, but he hides his sadness well. After his required six months of therapy, he and his co-commanders, Jason and Ty, have been launching attacks on the Squid Army. So far, the Sky Army has won each battle, and it seems they're backing the squids into a corner. They could finally win their war. Inevitably, though, even if they do beat the squids, new threats will come. For the moment, though, that's not important. What is important, however, is finally, finally, getting back to normal again.

***TY'S POV***

I'm lying in bed months after the incident thinking about how incredibly lucky I am. To be alive, to not be a mutant dragon creature, to still have friends. All of this is going through my head when I hear an all too familiar voice.

I need you again, Deadlox.

"Ugh," I groan. I know that I have no choice, that I have to do what NightShroud tells me to, but I really don't want to be Enderlox again. Lots of people already think I'm weird because of my purple eyes and the fact that I hang around with ex-serial killers and a guy that always wears a spacesuit. And, well, you know, going and doing all that again definitely won't help bring up my reputation.

"Okay, whatever." I say halfheartedly.

NightShroud warps me to his cave, and I once again feel the excrutiating pain of teleportation.

"Long time, no see." I say. "I thought you would've decorated the place a little, considering your old friend Deadlox has come to visit." Part of me wonders if ol' NightShroud will pick up on my sass and general disdain for my situation. He does, as his response to my statement is, We don't have time for sarcasm, Deadlox.

"There's always time for sarcasm!" I whine. This guy is honestly no fun at all.

Not today, there isn't. Nightshroud states. I can feel him rolling his eyes at me even though I can't see him do so.

"Fine," I groan. "What do you need me to do this time?"

You must go through the transformation again, but this time it will be different.

"Different how?"

This time, you will not be alone.

The Dragon stands aside, revealing the all-too-familiar Niobium altar that made me the mutant I am today. There's a girl standing on it, frozen as I once was.





Remember, every time you vote, an ole gets a sombrero, and every time you comment, an annoying light stops flickering. So take the time to make the world a flickering lightbulb free place today! See you later my wonderful rhombuses!

Stay Classy,



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