T W O: First Blood

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***TY'S POV***

I wake up on the ground of an unknown cave, stuck in some dizzy location between fiction and reality. My head hurts, my stomach hurts, my extremities hurt. I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, and I'm overall a mess.

I have to get out of here. I think.

I try to sit up, but a pain like no other shoots through my right leg and I realize that its broken. Why did this have to happen to me?

Did I do something in a past life you weren't happy with? I ask no one sarcastically. To my surprise, I get a response.

You are awake. Says a voice in my mind.

"Yes, I'm aware of that," I say, not intending to sound as rude as I do. My life is on the line, after all.

What is your title? The unknown voice murmurs.

"My title? Do you mean my name? I'm Deadlox, but everyone calls me Ty."

Can you walk, Deadlox?

"Walk? I can't even move. Who are you, anyway?"

I am NightShroud, leader of the End.

"Wait, you're the Ender Dragon. I didn't know you had a name."

Ender Dragon. I like that.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask shakily, feeling my strength beginning to flee my body.

I need you, Deadlox. Let me heal you before we begin.

"Begin what?"

The dragon doesn't answer, but instead emerges from the shadows in front of me. The thing is gigantic, fifty feet long and at least thirty feet tall. It has jet-black scales and giant wings that must have a seventy-five foot wingspan. It's eyes attract my attention. The vibrant purple glows so brightly it gives the rest of the dragon a purplish tint.

I watch helplessly as the dragon walks towards me and then does something unexpected. It takes one of its claws and stabs it into its foreleg. Removing the claw, a drop of blood is clings to its end.

Where do you need healing? The dragon asks.

I show the dragon my wounded leg. The Ender Dragon, though I suppose I should call it NightShroud now, lets the blood from its claw drip onto my leg. A warm feeling shoots through my body and in an instant the pain is gone. NightShroud looks me right in the eyes and then fear shoots through me. I can't move. Something the dragon has done to me has immobilized me, rendering me useless.

I'm sorry about this, but I can't have you escaping.

I'm teleported in front of a purple altar of some sort.

"Is this made of Niobium?" I ask, realizing I'm able to speak. What an odd question to ask, though. There are definitely more pressing matters to attend to.


"That's really rare, isn't it?

Yes. Now if you'll stop talking for a minute or two, it's time to begin.

I'm filled with complete terror. The way NightShroud said 'begin' worries me.

"Listen here, NightShroud," I say, finding sudden courage and determination. "My friends will find me, and then you'll be sorry. Sky and Jason will find me."

The dragon's next words are ominous and foreboding, and if I could move, I would shy away from them.

Your friends have their own agenda, Deadlox, as do you.

The Enderlox Trilogy I: Seto's ConjuringWhere stories live. Discover now