F I V E: Au Revoir

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I watch in horror as Skybrine bursts into the room and leaps at Deadlox. I notice that is Seto already trying to Decorrupt Skybrine, but nothing seems to be working. Seto strains and cringes, and I put my hand on the hilt of my sword, preparing to strike. Mitch puts a hand on my shoulder, holding me back.

"It'll kill you," he whispers. I nod and slowly retreat back farther into the corner of the room, reduced to watching these horrifying events unfold in front of me.

Deadlox unsheathes his dragon claws and goes after Skybrine, who is grappling for his sword. Squabbling ensues as Deadlox tries to disarm Sky, but he's unarmed. He's on defense, and Sky's on the offensive. Its all Ty can do to keep himself alive.

"It's not working!" Seto yells. "There's nothing I can do!"

"Try stunning Sky, or something!" I yell. Seto tries, but nothing works. A yellow light is erupting around Skybrine, stopping all of Seto's magic from hitting him. He seems unstoppable, at this point.

I stand in the back of the room next to Quentin, Bodil, Mitch and Jerome.

"What do we do?" Jerome asks Mitch.

"If we do anything, we die." Mitch says harshly. "I refuse to lose any more people today. Everyone, fall back!" Mitch commands. "Ssundee, Jerome, stay with me. We'll come in for carnage cleanup if Sky wins. Quentin, Bodil, get everyone out of here safely. Send them to town square and then evacuate the citizens. This doesn't look good."

The battle between the demon and the dragon hits its peak when Deadlox and Skybrine break away from each other and Deadlox goes flying across the room. He stands up, looking shaken, bruised, and scratched, maybe even bitten, but none of his wounds are fatal. At this point, if he sustains no more injuries, he'll live. Skybrine, however, seems as though he is completely unscathed, untouched by Ty's attempts to attack. This is definitely an uphill battle for Deadlox, and it doesn't seem like he'll win. Skybrine slowly puts his hand on the hilt of his sword and charges. Defeat is in Ty's eyes.

As Skybrine goes in for the kill, divine intervention takes place in the form of a boy in a blue spacesuit jumping in front of Sky's sword.

"Jason!" I yell and begin to run up to him. Skybrine's sword is in two pieces, the hilt end in his hand and the blade lodged in Jason's abdomen. Skybrine drops the broken sword, the yellow light around him fading.

"I'm..." Jason says weakly.

"No, you're going to be okay."

"Be real, Ian." Jason stutters, using my real name. "I'm not coming back from this. You guys can only save my life so many times, and it was about time I saved yours."

With a sad smile, Jason shuts his eyes.

***SKY'S POV***

What is this? What have I done?

I'm consumed by sorrow. I just killed my best friend. I feel my anger fading away, replaced by a deep sadness that reaches the core. I take off my glasses and find that I'm crying. My knees give way beneath me and I collapse onto the ground, sobbing. I look from Jason to Deadlox and back to Jason again, my vision blurred by my tears.

I did this. I killed him.

"Jason," I say. "I'm sorry."

***TY'S POV***

I feel my rage towards Sky build up. I grit my teeth. I am going to kill him. I am going to slit his throat and watch him bleed to death. As I unsheathe my claws, I watch Sky drop to the ground, sobbing. The yellow light in his eyes fade, the jewel around his neck turns black. My anger is reduced to sadness and pain at the loss of Jason. I feel the wetness of a tear running down my cheek. It falls onto Jason's limp body, and I too collapse on the ground next to my friend. Placing my mutant hand on his, I squeeze tightly, praying for a grip back. I'm not sure whether or not I'm imagining it, but I do feel his hand weakly grasp mine.

"Jason!? Jason! Do something!" I cry, voice wrecked by tears.

A sputtering cough erupts from Jason's mouth, followed by a faint, "not dead yet, sorry."

"Seto! Seto! Do something! He's still alive!" I wail.

Seto, with a resigned sigh, puts his hand on my shoulder. "Be seeing you, friend." He says.

Before I can ask what he meant, Seto puts up his gloved hands and casts a spell, presumably of healing. Mitch carefully pulls the blade from Jason's stomach, and we watch in awe as the wound begins to heal. Sky crawls over to us like a lame dog. His eyes are normal once again. With anger, he sits up and tears the amulet from his neck, throwing it with full force across the room. It hits the stone wall, and the black gem inside crumbles to mere shards of glass. I put a hand on Sky's shoulder, tears in my eyes. He fought it, and he won.

Jason coughs again, and then his eyes open.


I open my eyes, coughing. The first thing I notice is my lack of air.

"Ty... I can't..." I sputter.

Ty pulls off my helmet as I speak the word "...Breathe." My friends are gathered around me. Ty, Seto, Sky, Mitch, Jerome, and Ssundee. Much to my surprise, they all seem more happy about my life than shocked by my appearance. It's sweet, really.

"Sk- Sky?" I ask nervously. He seems normal again, but I'm still afraid of what could happen if he isn't really Sky again.

"I'm here, Jason. I'm here. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." His words are distorted by sobs, genuine and pained.

"I forgive you." I say. Sky nods slowly, more tears forming. He chokes out a "thank you" through his tears, and I grab his hand gently.

For a moment, all is well.

Suddenly, Seto collapses on the ground, eyes rolled back in his head. Ian rushes over to him, putting a hand on his neck to check for a pulse.

"What's happening to Seto?" Mitch exclaims.

Seto begins to seize and convulse. He looks like he's trying to say something, but his words are indiscernible.

"He's exhausted his magical energy." Ssundee says. "Healing Jason must have been too much for him."

"What's he doing, then?" Ty asks. "Can he recharge it? Seto, talk to us! Talk to me!"

"He's dying, Ty. We can't do a thing for him but be by his side."

"Seto," I stammer, in tears. "Why would you save me again, after all this time.."

Seto reaches out in my direction, and I quickly take his hands in mine. He tries to speak, so I lean close to hear his words.

"You're worth it." He whispers.

And then he dies.


Remember, every time you vote, an ole gets a sombrero, and every time you comment, an annoying light stops flickering. So take the time and make the world a flickering lightbulb free world today! See you later my wonderful rhombuses! Liking the chapter titles? Well it's a song! Au Revoir by OneRepublic, check it out!

Stay Classy,




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