This Ship Is Sinking

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After Jack had left me, I went back to the bench where I was preforming and sat down and picked up the guitar once more, mindlessly tuning it. Multiple thoughts ran through my mind over and over and I just let out a soft sigh as I thought about going on another date with him. Yes, I really did want to see the attractive male again, but was I really up for a relationship right now?

I just shook my head not knowing my answer and I began to play a couple of bits of songs that came to mind. I wasn't singing any words, but I just felt like playing. No one crowded around me and I seemed to be the only one around this side of the park right now. I felt like there was something missing though... I couldn't place my finger one it, but I knew that something was missing.

My eyes searched around to make sure I had everything. Guitar, check. Phone, check. Guitar case, check. Money... That's when it hit me. My cup that had all my earnings in it was missing. Someone must have picked it up and stole it when Jack had taken me to the other bench to talk.

I sat the guitar back down in its case and began to curse mentally. If I hadn't of let him lead me off, I still would have everything that I had earned so far, but no. I walked off with Jack, paying no attention to my stuff, and ended up having somebody come up and take the twenty dollars that I had earned so far today. Dammit. Well, at least whoever took it, I hope they have fun spending a poor man's money.

I packed up everything and slung my case over my shoulder before making my way back home. I couldn't really play if I didn't have anything to store the money in. I could have always let people throw the money into my case, but I just didn't feel like letting someone come up and steal that also. I was barely fighting to make ends meet and now that I've lost today's pay... Well I don't know if I'm going to have to work twice as hard or start depending on people for money.

When I finally arrived at home, I sat my guitar back in its corner and took a seat on the creaky sofa before propping my feet up on the coffee table. I let out a long sigh and covered my face with my hands as my eyes fell upon the bills that had been sitting there since I had pulled them out of the mailbox the other day. They were going to have to be paid before next week and I knew that if I didn't soon enough they were going to cut everything off in the house.

I couldn't let that happen. I needed everything and if they just go and shut it off... Well I guess I would just have to go and stay somewhere else until I could come up with the money in order to pay my bills.

I just don't know what I'm going to do.

-  -  -

That night, I was bustling around in the kitchen trying to boil water so that I could make my Ramen Noodles warm enough to be edible. The hot water didn't work half of the time so in the end, I found out that it was easier just to boil it. Ramen was also really cheap so I didn't have to worry about paying much for it.

I was just about to get the water off of the stove when I heard my phone ringing in the other room and I ran in there to quickly get it before it ended up sending the person to my voicemail. I glanced to see who it was and a smile spread across my lips when I noticed that it was Jack.

"Hello, gorgeous," I said into the phone and I heard him laugh.

"Good evening, Lex. What are you up to?" He asked me.

"Fixing my dinner," I said as I was walking back into the kitchen, picking up the cup of noodles and pulling back the paper that was keeping anything from getting into the dry noodles.

I sat the phone down on the cabinet and put it on speaker as I picked the hot pot off of the stove and began to pour the boiling hot water into the cup, making sure that I didn't overflow it and ended up burning myself like I had so many times before.

"What are you eating?" He asked.

"Noodles," I called back towards the phone just so he could hear me.

"Sound delicious," he said and I scoffed.

"Sure, if you like dry noodles, flaming hot soup, and vegetables that taste sweet. The only reason why I even eat this stuff is because it's cheap to buy and simple to prepare. If I could afford something else then I sure as hell would buy it," I sighed picking up the phone once again and grabbing a fork before carrying my dinner into the living room with me.

I sat down, placing the phone on the coffee table and began to eat the burning noodles and trying not to burn my mouth on any of them.

"I see. So about that date..." he trailed off.

"What about it?" I asked him.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go out to eat with me somewhere tomorrow night. I had this great place in mind," he said and a smile spread across my lips.

"Sure. I don't have any plans on my agenda," I said laughing.

"Awesome. I'll be by your house tomorrow at seven to pick you, alright?"

"Alright. I'll see you then, Jacky," I said and I knew that he was smiling on the other side of the phone.

"Talk to you then, Lex," he said and without another word he hung up the phone, leaving me there in silence.

I'm starting to wonder why that boy even wants to hang around with me. I mean, he's a rich kid and I'm just a literal nobody who has to fight to survive. We're from two opposite sides of the food chain. He has so many other people who he could get his hands on.

Why did he choose me?

Title Credit: Stay Away (Dreams Only Last For A Night) by All Time Low

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