Lipstick Has A Way Of Leaving More Than Just A Mark On My Sheets

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"How do I get away?
When you're begging me to stay,
What do you need me to say,
You're anything, but ordinary,
What do you want me to do?
I've given it all to you,
I wish you would return the favor..."

My words choked up as I finished the song and glanced up at the crowd with tear stained eyes. I had been crying the entire time I was playing the song for one reason and one reason only. Jack.

I had written the song the other night when the power had went out and I was all alone in the candle light as you could hear the thunderstorm in the background. Even then, tears were rolling down my cheeks and I was wiping them away just so that they didn't land on the paper and make the penned letters bleed. I wrote it for him and about how he was making my heart fall apart ever so slowly.

"Alex? Are you alright?" May asked, placing a hand on my shoulder and looked down at me with her identical doe brown eyes. God, I missed him so much.

"I-I'm... I miss him, May. I miss him way too much. I don't know why though. I call him the other day and he hung up on me and I got so mad at him. I put a hole in the wall and shattered my phone I was so pissed off. He called me back a few hours later and then he told me that he loved me and I just yelled at him and told him that he didn't love me since he left me!" My shouts split through the air like a sharpened knife and tears fell down my cheeks as I felt like I was falling apart at the seams.

"I love him, May. I love him so much," I whispered softly as she pulled me into her arms and held me tightly, kissing my forehead and whispering soft things in my ear trying to calm me down a little bit at the least.

I was falling apart. Jack Barakat was making me fall apart.


Two months came and finally summer was melting into autumn. The bright green leaves were slowly losing their color and changing in to varying shades of fall, but I didn't go outside much anymore to see them. I hadn't actually left my house in a week just because I couldn't stand to be around people that much anymore.

Most of my days, I laid in bed with the blanket pulled over my head and the only reason why I got out anymore was only if May had made me for some specific reason.

May was an angel. She took time out of her life to come see me and make sure that I was okay. She was perfect in so many ways and every time I saw her, I slowly forgot the way Jack made me feel.

I didn't know if Jack loved me anymore. I highly doubt that he did, given the fact that it's been two months since I've last heard from him. I couldn't shake the feelings that my heart felt for him, but at the same time, I couldn't stop the ones that I was growing for May. It was just all too strange.

"Alex, are you home?" I heard her voice call out from somewhere downstairs.

"In my room!" I shouted as loud as I could sitting up in bed a little bit. I hadn't bothered to put on clothes today so I was just laying here in my boxers, hiding under the covers just so I didn't scare her away.

She opened my bedroom door a moment later, two cups of Starbucks and a bag of bagels in her hands. She took a seat bedside me and handed me my cup, which I took with a smile and she opened the bag and handed a bagel to me.

"I thought you'd be hungry given the fact that you haven't been to the store this week and you don't seem to get out of bed to even see me," she sighed looking at me and I made a sheepish smile.

"I know. Sorry about that. I just haven't felt too well the past few days and the only person I technically talk to is you," I said and she nodded her head.

"Have you heard from Jack any?" I asked her and she shook her head and said, "Nobody still hasn't and they have no idea if he's still in the same spot where he was. He got his phone cut off so he doesn't have the same number either."

I just sighed and looked at her. Her eyes were locked with mine and a small smile spread across her face before she patted my cheek gently and said, "Don't look so sad, Lex."

Lex, the name that Jack had given me and the one that she had taken a liking to calling me lately. It seems affectionate and I didn't mind it all. I was close to both of the Barakat siblings.

"Sorry," I said, placing my hand over her's, noticing how cold it was compared to mine.

"It's fine," she sighed softly, sitting her coffee and the bag on the beside table next to where I laid mine just moments before.

"What have you been doing today?" I asked, trying to start a small conversation between the two of us. I tried my best not to make things so awkward, but sometimes I just failed miserably at it. It was really bad when I did.

"Oh nothing really. I took care of my dad's hangover this morning, helped Joe move a few things to his new apartment, and then got Starbucks before coming over here to see you. I see that you haven't done much today, have you?" She asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"Nope. I wrote a song and that was about it. I didn't even plan on getting out of bed today," I said and she laughed.

"Would you get out of bed if I asked you to go somewhere with me?" She asked softly.

"Yes, but it depends on where exactly we were going to go," I said and she smiled.

"Well there's a local band playing at the park. It's free of charge and I know how you are with music. Do you want to go see them?" She questioned and a smile spread across my lips.

"I'd love to," I said smiling from ear to ear.

She smiled back at me also and I sat up a little further to where I was close to her. Her face was dangerously close to mine and I could smell the perfume she was wearing. That must have been the smell of Heaven because she was an angel.

There was a loose strand of her black hair so I tucked it behind her ear and her cheeks lit up in a small blush.

"Has anyone told you that you're truly beautiful, May?" I asked softly staring into her eyes.

"N-no," She stuttered, her face turning even brighter.

"Well you are," I whispered leaning in and kissing her lips softly. She kissed back a moment later and I felt my heart skipping around in my chest like it did when I was with Jack. It was so wrong, but it was so right.

I pulled away and rested my forehead against her's only to realize there was someone standing at the doorway of my bedroom, eyes wide and mouth almost hanging wide open.

"Jack?" May and I said in unison.  

Song Credit: Return the Favor by All Time Low
Title Credit: That Girl's a Straight Up Hustler by All Time Low


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