Chapter 1

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<B>ok so i decided to give this a shot, I have to say I am scared of this little story turning into a disaster haha! but anyway here you go! oh and wattpad is sort of messed up so to go to the next chapter don't swipe right but pick the next chapter from the list xx</B>

3:26am. I keep tossing and turning in my bed, 'this is it' I think to myself, tomorrow is THE day, I'm finally

moving to London. I've always dreamt of this day ever since I was 16, leaving everything, everyone and starting new.

I close my eyes for what felt like 5 minutes when my alarm went off making me jump out of my bed and running into the bathroom.

I hear a knock on my door "Alice hurry up you know how it gets in the airport, you're going to miss your plane" my dad yelled "not that I would hate it if you did" I hear him say to himself.

my dad was completely against the

idea of me moving out and living by myself so you can say he wasnt exactly thrilled to drive me to the airport.

I wore my skinny jeans along with a plain tshirt and threw a plaid men's shirt over, I didn't bother with makeup just because I hate how it feels on my face while on a plane, I brushed my now wavy brown hair the kind of wave I called shower-wave and pulled my bangs away from my face with my shades-I was growing out my bangs, I'm always growing out my bangs.

-At the Airport-

"call me as soon as you land and when you reach your flat and as soon as you get a job let me know" my dad ordered me followed by ok's from me, "and if you change your mind.." "I won't dad I'm fine, I'll be fine" I explained.

I felt weird, even though ive been waiting forever for this I was kind of scared I wouldn't be fine, what if it was nothing like I expected? what if it wasnt like the movies? I didn't show how I really felt because I knew my dad would take that chance as fast as he could to take me back home.

The fasten seatbelt turned on which made my tummy ache a bit but the thought of London and London air and Londons everything calmed me down a bit.


it's been a month since I've moved here and everything was amazing! my flat had an amazing view that still takes my breath away, I now have two good friends, Grace who is a neighbor of mine who used to bring me food when I was new here, she still does that and it's great, and Trevor who works with me in the bar that I told my dad was starbucks-Oops. I've been from one job to another since I've moved here and surprisingly I liked the bar best.

The bar I worked in wasnt the kind of bar where girls in tiny dresses and 10 inch stilettos came in to get laid, it was a place where people came in to watch football matches and bring their acoustic guitars and sang their hearts off.

"hey you in? Dot to Dot?" Trevor asked me.

"are you kidding I wouldn't miss that" I said cleaning the counter.

A guy came in and I couldn't help but stare, he was tall and his facial hair made him standout between the clean shaved faces ive been seeing all day, he came over and placed a banjo case on a chair and sat down.

"can I get you anything?" I asked looking at his brown eyes they really were beautiful, I looked away before he caught me staring into his eyes like a psychopath.

"ugh yeah can I get a beer please" he said and wow that accent.

I place the beer infront of him

"banjo?" I asked.

he gave me a look and I pointed at the case, "oh right, yes it is a banjo, you play?"

"nah i have a guitar at home that my dad got me for my 14th birthday, I had a phase"

"you still play it?" he asked

I shook my head

"how come?"

"well I got frustrated because I sucked and my parents begged me to stop" I smiled in confession and he laughed and it made my heart sink, he's too cute!

"I taught myself the banjo actually and to be honest I have no idea what I'm doing 80% of the time" he confessed giggling to his self.

I laughed and found myself looking at his eyes again except this time he looked back making me look away blushing like a loser.

"Winston" he introduced himself offering his hand for me to shake.

"Alice" I smiled taking it, my cheeks feeling hot.

<B>well so this is it! I know it's short and has alot of useless shit in it but I'm super excited about this story! let me know what ya'll think:D</B>

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