2- Always

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3 cheers for stereotypical fanfic titles! Subtle TABINOF references, I guess?
Have you ever looked at someone and just thought, damn? If so, you're one step closer to feeling how I feel about Phillip Michael Lester.

Ok, yes, I know the whole Phandom ships us, so it's not necessarily a secret we're adorable together, but everyone doesn't see this part coming. When two people are shipped together, there's a strong chance that the ship isn't real, about 95%, I would say. But get this, there's still that 5%, the real ones, out there. Dan looked over at Phil, who was watching him type this message.

Hello. My name is that 5%.

"Dan, that's a wee bit, er, cheesey," Phil said, rubbing the back of his neck. "It doesn't need to be serious. They'll get the message," Dan said, hovering his mouse over the Publish button. "If we do this, our whole life will be different," Phil said, looking at Dan lovingly, "so there's only one way we can do it." Dan looked at Phil, confused. Phil gently placed his hand on Dan's. "Together." The two pressed the button. 2k views. 15k views. 200k views. The views came raking in, along with a thousand screaming Phandom members in the comments. As Dan looked at all the comments, he started to cry. "Dan, what's wrong?" Phil asked, wrapping his arm around Dan. Dan sniffed. "It's just, we've lived for so many years keeping this a secret," Dan said, leaning into Phil's side, "I'm just so happy it's real." "Whoa, turn down the mushy stuff, Becky," Phil said, lifting Dan's head up so his chocolate brown eyes met his, "I'm happy too." Dan looked into Phil's striking blue eye, and into his other eye, which was just blue. He couldn't help himself.


Dan gently placed his lips on Phil's. The sweet flavour of cherry lip balm filled Dan's mouth. Phil, startled at first, wrapped his arms around Dan. Dan broke the kiss and buried his face in the shoulder of his boyfriend. Phil slowly rubbed Dan's back. "Ahh," Dan murmured into Phil's shoulder. Dan sat back up to look at his boyfriend. "I don't have to edit out Love Eyes Lester or Heart Eyes Howell anymore, do I?" Dan asked. "Well, I don't," Phil said with a chuckle. Dan sunk back into Phil's embrace, a happy glow filling him.
Phil woke up from his dream. He looked around. Same room, Phil thought, same sadness. Phil turned on his side to see a picture of him and his dead boyfriend, Dan. "I'll love you Dan," Phil thought aloud, "always."

The room started to quake. Phil, thinking it was an earthquake, hid under his duvet. The shaking stopped, and the sound of glass breaking filled the room. Footsteps slowly walked towards Phil in his bed. They stopped when they were right next to Phil's bed. "I'm not dead," a familiar voice spoke to Phil, "and I think you know why." The sheets were ripped from over Phil, and as Phil looked up, he was met by the crimson eyes of his lover, Dan. "It was a vampire," Dan hissed. "HEY WAIT A MINUTE THAT'S MY LINE!" Phil yelled, bursting upright in his bed, his eyes turning crimson to match Dan's. Dan and Phil burst into laughter. Dan flopped on Phil's bed, the sheets muffling his laughter. "I was actually scared for a second," Phil said between laughs, "by the way, you're fixing the window." "Sorry," Dan said in a funny tone, "love you!!" "Love you too," Phil chuckled. "Now why don't we go find someone to eat?" Dan asked, holding back his laughter. "Still my line!"

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