5- Domestic Texts

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My first phanfic written in IM/texting form! Texts are written from Dan's phone, so talking to Phil. I have no clue how this is going to turn out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also, I give up on the rating/word count thing. 2 much work. Ok I hope you enjoy and uh... thanks for taking time out of your day to read little old me's stories Iloveyouallsomuchbye


One new message!

Dannnyyyytg I'm hqvign suchn a funn time!

Phil.. how many drinks did you have?

Olny like 7 heaha

PHIL. You drove there, how are you planning on getting back?

Ill flyy :3

Oh my god, I'm going to have to come and get you, aren't I?

Noo that's ko I siad I wiuld fly ho3m.

Phil, you can hardly type on your phone, much less operate a car. I'm coming to get you.

Thakns bayb <3

Baby? Since when have you called me that?

Shuut up and driev


Ugh... what happened last night?

You went to a party and got drunk.

I don't drink

Well you did last night.

I didn't even plan to go to a party?

PJ and Chris invited us last minute.

Why weren't you there?

I had to edit a few videos using those editing tips you gave me ;)

Oh my beaver Dan, you're so not quoting your own meme right now...

Why are we texting anyways? Like, we're literally sitting next to each other.

Because I don't feel like moving my mouth. Can I have some of your cereal?



Hey, just a question. Last night you called me baby... was that the drunk man talking or the sober man thinking?



I'm at the shop. What did you need again?

Nothing, I'm good.

You said you needed something at home though?

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